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Unrivaled Dragon Lord novel Chapter 66

The people in the dining hall all glanced over following the voice, and found Maxwell wearing a confident smile on his face.

“Can you?” Allison sneered with her hands on her hips, “Even the specialists in Beijing and overseas had no solutions to this. Don’t you pull a stunt here!”

“That’s true. Dad had sought for help from various prestigious specialists overseas, but they all failed. Now you want to have a look? You haven’t been recognized by the Sandoval family, yet now you’re trying to intervene in the family affairs. Are you qualified to do so?” Cecilia chimed in.

Andreas fixed his eyes on Maxwell who looked quite calm and suddenly spoke, “Then just let him have a try. I’m really curious. Mr. Maxwell is just a driver… But surprisingly, you have some knowledge about medicine?”

Maxwell casted a glance at Andreas and nodded proudly, “I know a little.”

“You’re really good at bragging yourself.” Allison chuckled and said sarcastically, “You’re just a driver. But you bragged that you have knowledge about medicine… Then I would like to say I’m the incarnation of Hua Tuo!”

[Note: Hua Tuo (c. 108–208 AD) is a reputable doctor of the Eastern Han Dynasty]

Charlie knitted his brows and shifted his gaze onto Greta, “Greta, is your husband also being so shameless in usual times?”

Greta’s expressions froze on her face. As a matter of fact, she was also confused as she couldn’t understand Maxwell’s behavior now.

Why did this guy push himself forward? With Absalom’s identity, he must have asked for help from countless medical specialists, yet they had no solutions to this disease. How could Maxwell solve this problem?

Greta tugged Maxwell’s cloth under the table, shot a fierce glare at him, and asked in whisper, “What the hell do you want to do?”

Maxwell curled his lips into a light smile, “To treat the illness.”

“Treat… Treat the illness?” Greta’s expressions froze as she stared at Maxwell in disbelief. ‘This guy was serious?” She thought to herself.

“Will you die if you don’t make a fuss? Come back with me after finishing the banquet.” Greta gritted her teeth. She had a hunch that Absalom’s appearance in Ocean City was for something bad.

Nevertheless, Maxwell reacted as if he hadn’t heard the words. He glanced at Absalom, “As there was just a glim hope to cure him, what about let me have a try? I once made acquaintance with an old traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and learned a little from him. Maybe it will be of help this time.”

“Tsk, you said you knew an old traditional Chinese medicine practitioner? Why didn’t you tell us that you’re indeed a doctor?” Cecilia sneered.

Ignoring her scornful gaze, Maxwell glanced at Absalom calmly and meaningfully.

Absalom waved his hand to quiet down the people present in the dining hall, and then asked with a serious stare, “You really know about medicine?”

Maxwell nodded in response. Even Charlie couldn’t help but let out a contemptuous chuckle. This Maxwell was really good at pretending! How dared he deceive Absalom? He will meet his end!

“Great!” Absalom agreed with it promptly and clapped his hands, “I’ll give you a chance. Please help me.”

The people in the dining hall were all shocked.

Absalom was actually convinced by Maxwell’s blandishments!

“Dad, he’s talking nonsense. Andreas said that he was just a live-in son-in-law. Except for driving cars in usual times, he’s good at nothing. He’s just a crap.” Allison rebuked loudly while pointing at Maxwell.

“That’s true, Dad. You’ve turn to numerous specialists for help, yet still haven’t solved the illness. This nothing-for-good would definitely of no help.” Cecilia chimed in.

“He was just bragging.” Charlie snorted coldly.

But Absalom waved his hand and said, “Under such circumstances, as long as there’s a glim hope, I will not give up. Mr. Maxwell, please come with me.”

Absalom took a step forward. Maxwell glanced at his back with a meaningful gaze and gradually curled his lips into an unfathomable smile.

“You’d better don’t put him to death. Otherwise, you, such a matrilocal son-in-law, should never dream of stepping into the Sandoval house!” Allison glared at Maxwell and said arrogantly before following Absalom.

Maxwell narrowed his eyes. If it was not because Greta was present and that he was afraid that the Sandoval family would make things difficult for Greta secretly if he did something here, Allison would have been punished. How would she be so arrogant and unruly then?

“Good luck.” Andreas followed Allison and Cecilia to walk out of the villa. He stopped out of the blue, turned around to look at Maxwell, and blurted out the two words with a weird smile.

He soon left the luxurious villa and strode towards the black Benz which was parked at the entrance.

Maxwell also followed them. But just as he took a step forward, he was stopped by Greta, “What the heck do you want to do?”

Maxwell paused and turned around with confusion on his face, “What else can I do? I’m going to treat the disease.”

“Oh, please!” Greta sneered. Other people might have no idea about Maxwell’s true capability, but she, Greta Sandoval, was quite clear of it. Although sometimes Maxwell’s behavior appeared to be weird, Greta did not believe that Maxwell would cure a person who was diagnosed as incurable and was dying.

If Maxwell failed to cure him and thus angered Absalom… he and she would be repelled by the Sandoval family. Maybe they would get even with them for the past grudges as well as for this matter.

“You really want to know it?” Maxwell slowed down his pace and smiled with a tinge of interest.

“Tell me quickly.” Greta glared at Maxwell as if she would let Maxwell suffer if he didn’t hurry to tell her.

“It’s simple. I just want to help you get back what should be belonged to you from the Sandoval family as well as the family status you deserve.” Maxwell said blandly.

Greta’s expressions froze. She widened her eyes, “You?”


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