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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 111

Chapter 111 It Was Not up to You

Cordelia was stunned.

It was the first time Cordelia heard this man promise so seriously. So Cordelia was shocked.

But soon, she calmed down.

He couldn't do it!

Everything was just because she was pregnant now. Luckily, she was pregnant, a child of the Hansen family.

If he said these words in the past, Cordelia would have been softened and moved.

But now, she was sober!

He was just doing something beneficial to his family.

"Don't worry, I never thought of giving up this child."

Cordelia turned away from looking at him because she feared she would be stupid again and imagined.

She imagined that the man she once had a crush on also fell in love with her, and they lived happily ever after.

That was ridiculous.

Now, she was no longer the innocent little girl she used to be.

Elijah looked at her. His expression gradually became cold, and his jawline became tense.

"Well, are you still fantasizing about leaving away with another man now?"

Cordelia was a little dizzy.

She never thought of going far away. She just wanted to calm down her heart, stop being sad, and stop foolishly thinking about others. And she could live her own life well.

"No." Cordelia frowned.

Elijah's expression softened slightly. Then he stood up, sat beside Cordelia, and hugged her forcefully.

"Little fool, it was not up to you now."

With saying that, Elijah took out his phone before Cordelia and posted a message.

Before Cordelia could fully read the paragraph he edited, the man suddenly raised his phone, took a selfie, and sent it directly.

Cordelia was in a daze, and she was stressed out.

"Elijah, what did you post? Let me see."


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