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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 I Will Solve Any Obstacles 

Cordelia suddenly felt that something was wrong and quickly asked: [How did you know that Ben was injured? Could it be…] 

Imogen replied angrily: [He came to my place yesterday, and I gave him the medicine! Damn it! He was beaten for another woman, and he insisted on letting me serve him. Why didn’t he get beaten to death?] 

Cordelia replied in a tone that seemed to understand everything: [Did he require you to serve him on the bed?] 

Imogen was stunned for a while before replying to her: [Cordelia, you are erotic!] 

The two chatted happily for a while, and Nora came to tell Cordelia to eat. 

When she came to the dining room, Elijah was already seated. 

He held a bottle of red wine in his hand and was pouring wine into a glass. 

“Well, I don’t drink.” Cordelia quickly stopped him and asked him to pour himself a glass. 

Elijah looked at her and said with a smile, “Well, I’ll drink it 


Nora prepared a glass of juice for Cordelia wisely and brought it 

“Nora, thank you. You can leave now.” Elijah said suddenly. 

Nora understood immediately, and after a few seconds, she had already left. 

Cordelia sat upright. She had no appetite, so she ate very little food. 

It was the cup of sweet and sour juice that made her a little interested. 

Elijah sipped the red wine alone, observing her unobtrusively. 

After a long time, the man suddenly said, “Cordelia, are you pregnant?” 

Cordelia was stunned. Then she looked up at him. 

Elijah’s eyes were very calm. She guessed that this man might have known about it a long time ago. 

But how did he know? 

was impossible for Imogen to tell him the truth. 

And Milo was even more impossible to tell him. 

She was puzzled. “How did you know? When did you know?” 

Elijah smiled and raised his hand to caress Cordelia’s cheek. “Cordelia, I’m very happy.” 

Cordelia didn’t know what he was happy about. 

Was he happy about her pregnancy? 

Or was he glad that she didn’t continue to cover up and face him calmly? 

“Don’t think about it. I got the exact news of your pregnancy through normal channels,” Elijah added. 

“Normal way?” Cordelia stared at him with wide eyes. 

Elijah explained, “I bought that hospital and used the director’s authority to check your case.” 

Elijah smiled lightly and said casually, “Now the hospital is under your name. It is managed by a professional manager. It is undergoing upgrading and construction of the obstetrics and gynecology department. When you give birth, we will give birth in our own hospital and do the postpartum recovery, okay?” 


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