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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 115

Chapter 115 How About We Go Home?

The man was happy and smiled with a teasing smile. He was completely different from just now.

Eva bit her lip, with tears rolling in her eyes.

Later, she simply turned the wheelchair around and stopped looking at the couple.

Cordelia admired Eva from the bottom of her heart. Even so, she still refused to leave.

Twenty minutes later, Elijah ate up the food that Cordelia brought.

"It is still honey who feeds the food deliciously," Elijah whispered to her ear.

Cordelia calmly digested his sweet words and wiped the corners of his lips with a tissue. "I'm a little sleepy, so I want to sleep for a while."

"Sleep in my arms," Elijah said directly.

Now Eva couldn't bear it anymore.

She looked at Elijah with tears streaming down her face. "Elijah, y-you are bullying me!"

Elijah still ignored her, and his eyes were always on Cordelia's face in his arms.

Seeing that, Cordelia retorted, "Miss Lewis is ridiculous. No one is tying you here to see us showing affection, right? Are you a masochist?"

Eva repeated the old trick, crying loudly, and the decibels were relatively high-pitched.

Cordelia frowned, her stomach churning.

Seeing her covering her mouth, Elijah asked nervously, "Do you want to vomit?"

His eyes were not fake, and he was nervous about her.

Before she could answer, the man had already picked her up and ran towards the bathroom.

This time, Cordelia really vomited, throwing up everything she ate in the morning.

Elijah quickly and lightly patted her back and asked his assistant to bring water to rinse her mouth.

After a lot of tossing, Cordelia's little face turned pale.

"How about we go home?" Elijah hugged her and patted her back with a distressed look.


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