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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 I Withdrew My Divorce Application

Elijah didn't drive alone but sat in the back with Cordelia.

At this time, Elijah had already sent Eva away. She left one step ahead of them.

"Are you still nauseous?" Elijah asked with concern.

"I feel much better." Looking out the window, Cordelia couldn't help but say, "Is it possible I was just disgusted by Miss Lewis?"

Elijah chuckled, "Her character does have serious flaws, and you don't have to be patient with her."

Cordelia raised her eyebrows. So this man knew everything in his heart but still endured Eva?

Oh... that was true love.

It was not like when facing his wife. He lost his temper at every turn and was uncertain temper.

Seeing her pointing the back of her head at him and not speaking for a long time, Elijah quickly hugged her. "Are you angry?"

Cordelia didn't speak.


Elijah asked her at her ears.

Cordelia still didn't respond.

"I withdrew my divorce application."

Cordelia was shocked.

She looked at Elijah in disbelief. "You!"

"I went to see Mr. Carter first, explained the situation to him, and promised never to beg him for Eva again," Elijah looked at her deeply and said solemnly.

Milo witnessed their signing of the divorce agreement and her teacher, with a very high social status.

Therefore, Elijah bypassed her and went directly to Milo.

"But shouldn't you discuss it with me?" Cordelia was a little anxious.

"If I discuss it with you, you will only reject me."

Elijah stared at her intently. Seeing the flicker in her eyes, he was clearer.

Suddenly, the man held her face and said thoughtfully, "Cordelia, I will not hand you over to anyone. Not Eason, not even my good friend Jacob!"


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