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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 148

Chapter 148 About Trust 

Unexpectedly, Elijah bowed beside her. 

Just like Cordelia, he bowed in front of her grandmother’s grave. 

“Grandma, I am Cordelia’s husband, Elijah,” he said solemnly. 

Cordelia whispered, “Elijah, you don’t have to…” 

However, Elijah looked at Cordelia earnestly and took her hand in his. “As a man, it’s only right to show respect for our elders by bowing.” 

Cordelia bit her lip. She didn’t think it was necessary, especially given the pretentious nature of their relationship. 

“Besides, although you’ve never talked about your past, your grandmother watched over you and helped you grow safely, so she’s very important to me as well. Otherwise, my wife might not be here today.” 

Elijah said this with deep sincerity and bowed respectfully toward the grave again. 

At this moment, Cordelia was moved to tears. 

This man, Elijah, was exceptionally good at acting. She didn’t even know whether she should be grateful or still hold grudges against him. 



Cordelia had intended to have a private moment to speak with her grandmother, but Elijah stayed with her the entire time, not giving her a chance. 

At times, Cordelia felt like this man was exceptionally good at acting. He made her believe, even for a moment, that he was her husband. 

If only it were true. 

If it were true, she wouldn’t remind herself all the time to restrain her feelings, and she would be able to love him with all she had. 

“Should we go back home?” Elijah suggested before they left. 

Cordelia firmly shook her head. “No, that old house was sold by my mother a long time ago. There’s no need to go back.” 

Although Cordelia had the means to buy it back, it was no longer the same. Returning would only bring back memories and longing. 

Elijah’s gaze dimmed, but he hugged her shoulders and said, “Alright, then let’s go home.” 


Cordelia asked. “Do you mean the Maple Villa?” 

Elijah glanced at her as if he could see through her thoughts. 

“Home is where you are. 

Cordelia was taken aback, then she lowered her head, her cheeks blushing uncontrollably. 

Something weird must have happened to this man in the past two days. 

Seeing her silence, Elijah firmly pulled her into his embrace, lowered his head, and kissed her lips passionately. 

His kiss was urgent and not open for refusal. He held her closer as if he wanted to merge her into his very being. 

After a long time, he slowly lifted his lips from hers but kept his forehead against hers. He spoke softly, “Cordelia, one of the biggest issues between us may be the lack of basic trust. I take full responsibility for that,” 

Cordelia raised an eyebrow, her beautiful eyes filled with surprise. 

It was truly unbelievable. 

She had never imagined hearing these words from Elijah, especially the part about trust. 


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