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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 Don’t Pressure Her 

Cordelia wasn’t sure if it was just her imagination, but she felt that Elijah seemed quite different from when he had just come to this place. 

“Cordie?” Elijah called her. 

Cordelia froze, then rubbed her face a bit embarrassedly. “My grandmother gave me that nickname when I was little, and only she called me like that.” 

“Now, I’ll take over for your grandmother,” Elijah said, holding her in his arms. 

He would call her Cordie and protect her just like her grandmother had. 

Cordelia leaned into the embrace, closing her eyes slowly. 

One name or the other, he could call her whatever he liked. 

Going out for a walk had improved Cordelia’s state significantly, and her morning sickness seemed to be easing as well. 

It had been four months now, and she had finally made it through! 

Back at the Maple Villa, as soon as they entered the courtyard, Nora came out to greet them. She informed them that Gabe and 

Edith had been waiting for them all morning. 

Once inside, Gabe scolded Elijah right away. 

Elijah sat there quietly, not explaining or defending himself. 

After Gabe had finished venting, he said, “Your grandpa asked me to scold you like this. So if you want to blame someone, blame him.” 

Elijah was speechless. 

Cordelia had been listening quietly, but she was a bit bewildered. She turned to Edith in confusion. 

Edith, who was trying hard to hold back her laughter, stepped forward and pulled Cordelia. “Cordelia, come sit down. You can laugh if you want. Your dad just had to find an excuse to scold Elijah because he didn’t dare to take all the blame.” 

Cordelia found her father-in-law somewhat amusing and childish. 

“Cordelia, how have you been feeling lately? Are you still having morning sickness? You’ve lost weight, and it’s heartbreaking to see,” Edith asked, concerned. 

“Mom, I’m feeling much better now, and Elijah has been taking care of me. He even took some time off work to take me out and prevent me from feeling depressed. Could you help explain this to Dad and Grandpa?” Cordelia responded thoughtfully. 

Edith chuckled, “Don’t worry, Cordelia. I know my son well. No matter how much your grandfather scolds him, he’ll still be the same stubborn man. In the end, I’ll have to speak up for him.” 

Cordelia laughed as well. It was true. Elijah always had that obstinate streak, especially in front of his elders. 

This reminded her of the time when she had been scolded by Gideon. 

Gideon had suddenly gone easy on her, perhaps because Elijah had explained to him for the first time, and he had done it on her behalf. 

Cordelia couldn’t help but glance at Elijah, and Elijah happened to look back at her. 

At that moment, their eyes met, and she felt an unfamiliar sensation as if he had sent her an electric shock from across the 


“By the way, Cordelia, there’s something we’d like to discuss with you,” Edith suddenly said, her tone somewhat hesitant. “You’re pregnant for almost four months, right?” 


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