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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 215

Chapter 215 Untitled

"Yes, Grandpa, she is two years younger than me. In alternative medicine, the older you are, the better your medical skills are. Your health is the most important thing. You should think twice!"

Daisy whispered to Liam, but the volume was enough for everyone in the living room to hear.

"This..." Liam did hesitate.

Cordelia still sat quietly without saying a word.

She suspected in her heart that Milo deliberately arranged for her to come here to recuperate Liam's body, and Milo must know about the relationship between Liam and the Kingsley family.

At this time, Eason glanced at Cordelia and asked her what she meant. Seeing her shaking her head, Eason understood, and did not introduce anything about Cordelia.

Seeing that Liam hesitated, Daisy said persistently, "Grandpa, do you want to call your friend again to confirm? I know Ms. Graves, she is a fashion designer."

"Oh?" Liam put away his smile, looked at Cordelia seriously and said, "I think Milo is really confused. It's fine if he doesn't come in person, and it's really unreasonable to send a new hand to fool me."

Eason said coldly, "Mr. Watts, you also know Mr. Carter's temper, think twice before speaking."

People who knew Milo, the master of alternative medicine, knew his temperament. Whenever a patient doubted him at all, he would immediately stop the treatment and left.

Even his apprentices were very arrogant when they cured diseases.

People like Cordelia had a good temperament, and they could patiently give Milo's friends a little more chance.

Liam sneered, "Eason, I have known Milo for more than sixty years, so I don't need you to remind me."

However, the words of his precious granddaughter made him murmur in his heart.

He spared his life and dared not take any risks.


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