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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 216

Chapter 216 Feeling Aggrieved

Cordelia had always kept a low profile and rarely spoke arrogantly.

However, when it came to matters of her tutelage, she was absolutely confident.

Besides, today, she had shown Liam enough respect.

If it were other fellow apprentices of Milo, they would have left a long time ago and immediately notified the entire Undernet to sever all ties with the Watts family.

Liam suddenly yelled angrily, "How arrogant! Wait, I'll call Milo right now. I'll know what you are as soon as I ask!"

However, at that moment, Cordelia had already taken out her mobile phone. She said, "Don't bother. I will do it myself."

Cordelia resolutely refused to give Liam the chance to twist facts and had already dialed Milo's phone number while speaking.

From the loudspeaker, Milo's loving voice sounded. "Cordelia? Have you been to Liam's place?"

"Milo, Mr. Watts has many doubts about your decision, and the treatment has not started yet," Cordelia stated the truth in a calm tone.

The next moment, Milo's tone immediately became austere as he said, "In that case, Cordelia, just come back. I think the old guy has lived enough, so just let him wait for his death!"

After he finished speaking, Milo seemed to be puzzled, and added, "Cordelia, I know you are soft-hearted. No matter what he says, don't bother about him anymore. Do you hear me? This is an order."

Cordelia said solemnly, "Got it."

"Hey, Milo, you..."

However, before Liam could finish speaking, Milo humphed coldly and hung up the phone.

Cordelia said to Eason, "Let's go, Eason!"


Eason smiled, which was rare of him. He then followed Cordelia out of the Watts Mansion.


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