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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 249

Chapter 249 It Was Really Like a Dream.

Cordelia shuddered suddenly, avoiding Elijah's sudden and intensive kisses.

"Elijah, you..."

"Honey, I'm in pain." Elijah's voice was low and hoarse.

"Where does it hurt? Let me take a look." Cordelia quickly turned around to check Elijah.

Elijah immediately kissed Cordelia on her lips. He took advantage of the time when Cordelia was about to speak to kiss her hard.

Cordelia couldn't bear Elijah's overwhelming kiss, so in less than half a minute, she was already limp in his arms.

"Pay attention to your injuries."

Although Cordelia was immersed, she didn't forget that Elijah was still wounded.

"Cordelia, you are so beautiful," said Elijah.

Cordelia looked at Elijah with blurred, beautiful eyes. "So, do you like me?"

"Yes. I just want to have sex with you, and no one is better than you," answered Elijah.

Cordelia smiled and actively wrapped around Elijah's neck with her arms.

The two indulged in their wonderful sexual experience for a long time...

When Elijah woke up, he found Cordelia, who looked tiny and soft, curled up in his arms.

Elijah tightened his arms and hugged Cordelia tightly, and suddenly, the last words Cordelia said to him before she fell asleep echoed in Elijah's mind.

"Elijah, you are amazing."

Cordelia's voice was soft and tender. If Elijah hadn't been hurt, he would definitely not have let her go during their sex process.

As the little woman in Elijah's arms groaned, her feather-like eyelashes shaking slightly, Cordelia slowly opened her eyes.

When Cordelia met Elijah's gaze, the memory of last night flooded her brain in an instant, making her face burn unconsciously.

But at this time, Elijah asked Cordelia, "Are you still tired? Do you have any energy now?"

Cordelia closed her eyes and hugged Elijah's waist tightly. "No. I'm almost exhausted."

"Well, you can rest for a while and then help me re-tie the bandage," Elijah said gently.


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