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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 260

Chapter 260 Ask for Sweet Words!

Elijah kept silent all the time inside, which made Cordelia a little annoyed.

She could not help but think that Daisy may get very close to Elijah at this time, and maybe Daisy had already leaned on him and touched his body.

So, without knocking on the door, Cordelia opened the door and entered.

Fortunately, the situation in the office was optimistic so far.

Daisy stood in front of Elijah's desk and leaned forward, while Elijah stood by the window with his back to her.

Hearing someone coming in, the two looked towards the door at the same time.

Seeing Cordelia, Daisy hurriedly lowered her head and organized her shirt.

Her actions were indeed misleading.

However, her clumsy tricks were naive to Cordelia.

Cordelia put on a mocking expression. "No need to check your clothes. I have no interest in your average figure."


Mocked by Cordelia, Daisy unconsciously looked at Cordelia's sexy curve and felt annoyed.

"It must be artificial!" She thought to herself.

Daisy resigned herself and snorted, "Annoying ex-wife? Let me remind you, you two have divorced."

Cordelia sat down on the sofa with a smile, raised her long legs, and leaned her upper body, being casual and natural, as if she were at home.

"Oh, Miss Kingsley. News came too late to you. Didn't you get it that Elijah is dating me? Well, now you know. Elijah is mine."

Daisy gasped, looking at Elijah in disbelief. "Elijah, I don't believe it. Are you dating your ex-wife? Is that true?"

Elijah nodded, and said solemnly, "We are in a relationship, and we will remarry in the future."


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