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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 261

Chapter 261 Never Believe in Women

Elijah didn't hide his temper, acting like a naughty child.

Cordelia said helplessly, "Tell me, why were you unhappy? I happened to be in a bad mood in the morning, paying no attention to you."

"Hmph!" Elijah got up and pretended to leave.

Cordelia grabbed him.

With great strength, she directly dragged the man back onto the sofa, rolled over, and sat on him.

"Where do you want to go?" Cordelia looked down at Elijah.

Elijah's face was full of astonishment and then turned playful as he looked at Cordelia, who was acting up on him.

"Elijah, I received a call from Imogen in the morning, and I was worried about her. I was very irritable and had no time to care about your emotions," Cordelia put her hands on Elijah's shoulders and said.

She didn't evade the issue of Imogen, because she guessed that Elijah would not be interested in Imogen's matter, and would not ask more.

As was expected, Elijah didn't continue with Imogen's topic. He stared at Cordelia's face and asked, "Wasn't it because Eason slept with Laura last night?"

Cordelia got it. So he was unhappy with this!

She slowly leaned over and lay on Elijah's chest. "Eason is a bachelor who lacks a girlfriend. Isn't it normal to date someone and spend a good night with her? Keeping single all the time is not a good choice for him."

"You mean it?" Elijah asked repeatedly, "Won't you be disappointed?"

"Why should I be disappointed? You are so strange!"

Cordelia stood up, pulled Elijah up, and looked at him solemnly. "Elijah, do you regard Eason as an imaginary rival in love? He is very nice to his friends, and I am just one of his friends."

Elijah sneered, not believing her words.


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