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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 277

Chapter 277 You Have Broken up Now!

They had finished their ardent sex.

Cordelia was lying in Elijah's arms, dripping with sweat. She didn't even bother to open her eyes, which showed how immersed she was just now.

"Did you meet your brother?" Elijah asked suddenly, with strong jealousy in his tone.

"Yes, all four brothers have met this time," Cordelia said with a smile.

"Four?" Elijah raised his eyebrows and suddenly remembered the title "Four Influential Young Men in Grant City." His eyes dimmed suddenly.

They were all single, which made Elijah feel worried.

"Well, at the beginning, I met Adam. His younger sister had epileptic seizures, which was quite dangerous at the time. So afterward, he was very grateful to me and insisted on recognizing me as his younger adopted sister," Cordelia said with a smile.

Elijah thought carefully about what she said.

In this way, she and Eason got to know each other later.

But how could it be such a coincidence that Eason was Henry, the boy who saved her back then?

Could it be that they were really so destined?

The more Elijah thought about it, the worse his mood became. Looking at Cordelia, she was already sleeping peacefully in his arms.

"You are relaxed," Elijah murmured, hugged Cordelia tightly, and slowly closed his eyes.

This time, Elijah slept very peacefully.

When he woke up again, Cordelia was gone.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it, but there was no news, which made him feel a little bad again in an instant.

Just about to make a phone call to Cordelia to inquire, there was a noise at the door, and Cordelia came back.

"Are you awake?" Cordelia stepped forward, held his face, and kissed him. She said, "Elijah, Ben has gone to find Imogen. I'm a little worried."

"Where is Imogen now?" Elijah asked.


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