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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 278

Chapter 278 I Was Teasing You

Originally, Imogen did not dare to resist.

It was because Cordelia knew that Imogen could not refuse Ben's entanglement at all, so Cordelia had to say these words.

Cordelia and Ben were at odds with each other, and she didn't care to offend him one more time.

"I just came to see her, and I'll be leaving in a while." Ben gritted his teeth and finally suppressed his anger.

Not only was he for Elijah's sake, but also because he realized that Cordelia was supported by her teacher. He dared not to offend Milo and his students.

He was a mature adult, and he would not harm the whole family behind him just for a moment of venting.

After all, the decline of the Watts family was a lesson for others.

Cordelia asked Imogen with her eyes, "Did he annoy you, Imogen?"

Imogen said weakly, "No, but I really don't like to listen to him. If he can leave earlier, my body may be more comfortable."

Cordelia understood and said to Ben, "If you don't want to hurt Imogen's feelings, just don't say any words. You are here to visit Imogen, and your intention is good. Why can't you try to think twice before you speak?"

Ben was stunned and did not know what to say.

Elijah held back his smile, put his arms around Cordelia, and said, "Let Imogen rest well. We leave first!"

Cordelia said, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, Cordelia followed Elijah and left.

Looking at their figure, Imogen was full of envy in her heart.

Imogen wondered, "How wonderful it is. If there is a man who loves me so much, I am willing to give birth for him, let alone donate a kidney to him!"

She was looking at the man in front of her. She didn't even bother to look at him.


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