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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 326

Chapter 326 She Was Soft-Hearted

They had been discussing business in a serious manner. But Elijah suddenly said this. Cordelia couldn't react for a while.

When she came to her senses, Elijah had already walked out of the coffee shop first.

Cordelia turned around and glanced at his back. She smiled.

"If so, it will be your punishment!"

She muttered to herself and followed him.

They sat in the car and fell silent. No one took the initiative to speak.

Just now, Elijah felt someone was staring at them.

If it weren't for this, he would have hugged Cordelia.

He listened to her previous warning.

He didn't know how many people were watching his every move.

He couldn't do whatever he wanted in this troubled time.

"I'll send you home first..."

Elijah was about to tell the driver Cordelia's address, but she interrupted him.

"Go to the airport first. Don't miss the flight."

Elijah's eyes lit up for a moment. Then, he looked out the window calmly.

Suddenly, his mobile phone rang.

Cordelia happened to glance at the screen, finding the caller was Clare. She stopped him from rejecting the call.

"Answer it. Maybe Clare has something important to tell you. Don't miss it," Cordelia said calmly.

Elijah didn't want to answer it, but he listened to Cordelia and finally answered it.


"Elijah, why haven't you arrived at the airport yet? It's getting late." Clare's gentle voice sounded in the car.


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