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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 327

Chapter 327 Give Me Another Half Year

Of course, he meant to talk about work.

Cordelia wanted to refuse. But suddenly, she saw Clare dragging her suitcase and running over.

"Elijah, you're here! It's great!" Clare said, looking back in a certain direction with a hint of provocation in her eyes, "Laura said you would not come, saying that Evie seduced you!"

Cordelia was not surprised at all that Clare was so good at complaining. It was in line with her character.

However, when she heard the last half of the sentence, she decided to say something.

"Ms. Clare Price, you said bad things about Laura behind her back and commented in front of me that I have seduced a man. Are you polite?"

Clare immediately blushed. Cordelia was not sure whether she was angry or ashamed.

Cordelia thought it was the former. If Clare had a sense of shame, she wouldn't always come to Elijah and take advantage to talk to him.

Elijah saw Cordelia's displeased expression. He immediately ordered Clare coldly, "Apologize to her."

Clare's eyes glistened with tears instantly, and she said tearfully, "Evie, I'm sorry."

Her attitude looked very aggrieved.

Cordelia suddenly remembered what Imogen had told her.

"Don't be too forceful when dealing with a scheming bitch. The more forceful you are, the more she will pretend to be pitiful."

Unexpectedly, Imogen's joke turned out to be the truth.

Cordelia suddenly covered her chest and bowed slightly.

Elijah's expression changed. He embraced her reflexively and asked in concern, "Cordelia, are you alright?"

"I'm feeling chest pain. Could you take me back to the car? I have to go back to rest."

"I'll take you to the hospital!" Elijah said worriedly.

Cordelia leaned toward Elijah and whispered in his ear.

Elijah's eyes darkened. Then, he nodded and said, "Okay, go home and rest well."


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