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Wake Up! You’re My Ex Now (Cordelia) novel Chapter 98

Chapter 98 The Supper 

Cordelia already felt that something was wrong with her body. 

Counting the days, her menstruation was delayed by three days this month. 

But because her menstrual period was often delayed in the past, she didn’t care. 

Now, it looked like… The situation was not good. 

When Elijah walked into the bathroom, he saw Cordelia squatting in front of the toilet, retching. 

He hurriedly patted her back, gave her a water glass, and asked with concern, “Is it because you didn’t eat anything last night?” 

“Maybe.” Cordelia got up and rinsed her mouth, feeling a little sluggish. 

Elijah pulled her back to the bed and carefully covered her with the blanket. “I’ll get you something to cat.” 

Cordelia was a little unbelievable. 

This man wanted to make food for her in person? 

Elijah looked at her amusedly and patted her head. “Little fool.” 

Looking at Elijah’s back, Cordelia had mixed feelings in her heart. 

Ever since she retched just now, her heart had been in a state of confusion, and she didn’t even dare to check her body. 

She just needed to check and would know the result. 

But she dared not. 

Why was it happening at this time? Was this the arrangement of God? 

Not long after, Elijah came back with brisk steps. 

Before Cordelia could react, the man had already leaned over to carry her and left the bedroom. 

“Hey, you…” 

“I saw your legs trembling just now. Let me hug you!” He said as it should. 

Cordelia bit her lip. 

She thought, “Who caused my trembling legs? Aren’t you not ashamed of yourself? Why are you still talking about it now?” 

Arriving at the restaurant, Cordelia saw a plate of spaghetti on the table. 

There were various side dishes and a fried egg on top. 

It looked great. 

It was hard to imagine that this was made by Elijah. 

The man sat down and held her in his lap. 

“Eat it. You may feel better in your stomach after eating.” 

Cordelia asked, “Aren’t you going to eat?” 

“No, I will eat with you.” Elijah smiled lightly. 

She was puzzled and thought, “There was only a plate and a fork in front of us. How could we eat together?” 

Elijah picked up the spaghetti with the fork, blew it, and brought it to her lips. “Open your mouth.” 

Cordelia mechanically opened her red lips and bit the fork he handed over. 

The spaghetti was delicious. 

Then, under Cordelia’s astonished gaze, Elijah skillfully used the same fork to pick up one mouthful of spaghetti and delivered it to his mouth. 

Cordelia couldn’t help wondering, “This, this… 

Why didn’t you make one more plate of spaghetti? 

Bringing another fork wouldn’t be troublesome. 

Why did you have to do this?” 

She had romantic cells but felt strange and awkward when they were so intimate. 

Suddenly, the man kissed her on the cheek. “Why are you in a daze? Open your mouth.” 

She was more familiar with his actions now. 

This time, Cordelia ate it without hesitation. 

She was starving. Now, she had a good appetite and had eaten more than half a plate. 

After eating the spaghetti, Elijah gently wiped the corners of her mouth with a tissue. 


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