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When Her Death Couldn't Break Him novel Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Rotten To The Core 

In the afternoon, Vivian rushed over upon learning that Cecilia was hospitalized

Nathaniel was not here

Vivian’s heart ached with sympathy as she saw Cecilia covered in red spots

How stupid can you be? Why would you eat something you obviously can’t?” 

Don’t worry. I’ve checked on this before. The allergy isn’t too severe. It’s not lifethreatening,the latter assured

That’s bullsh*t! It’s not like I don’t know how fatal seafood allergies can be! If you ever do this again, I’llVivian paused, unsure of how to threaten Cecilia. I’ll give myself an allergic reaction 


The woman in bed laughed

I’m not lying to you. My symptoms are just especially obvious, but they’re really not life- threatening. Besides, how could I possibly be so flippant about my own life now that I have Eli and Jon?” 

Vivian was bewildered. Then why would you put yourself through that?” 

Nathaniel’s always been wary of me. He also hates me. I don’t know what I need to do for him to let his guard down.” 

Every time she arrived at the final step, he would stop her

So, the only solution I could think of was to make him feel guilty.” 

Cecilia continued, I was so stupid back then, keeping everything to myself. I made him think. that I was living a good life by his side and that I was the one reaching for someone out of my league. Now, I want him to know how much I’ve suffered because of him.” 

This was also why she held back her anger after overhearing Nathaniel saying those things to another woman yesterday

That’s also why I have to give him back the money that I tricked out of Mdm. Paula and Magnus.” 

Cecilia knew that her little schemes were never a match for what Nathaniel was capable of

With that in mind, she decided to maintain the facade of her former self. The only difference now was that she intended to make it abundantly clear to Nathaniel how well she used to treat him, and how poorly he treated her in return

Vivian understood her intentions

You’re pushing yourself too much, Ceci.” 


11:11 AM 

Chapter 145 Rotten To The Core 

Don’t let Jon find out about what happened. He’ll worry,” Cecilia cautioned

Okay, I won’t 

+5 Pearls 

Seeing that it was getting late, the woman in bed suggested that Vivian should head home first

On her way out, the latter unexpectedly ran into Nathaniel, who was walking in her direction

The man carried himself with an upright posture. His features were deepset and sharp, exuding an air of nobility. His entire presence was filled with an undeniable aura of refinement

Vivian had seen him before on the news, However, it was only when she met him in person that she understood why Jonathan was so extraordinary

The apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree

He looks so good, but it’s a shame his heart’s rotten to the core

Mr. Rainsworth, you probably don’t know me, but I’m Ceci’s friend,” Vivian began. her gaze steady on him. I have a favor to ask. Please, be kind to Ceci. She doesn’t owe you anything!” 

Originally, Nathaniel did not know her

However, after previously ordering an investigation on Cecilia, he had also incidentally looked into this woman and thus remembered her appearance

Instead of meddling in our affairs, you’d be better off focusing on your studies, so you won’t get caught again.” His lips barely moved as he spoke


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