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When Her Death Couldn't Break Him novel Chapter 158

Chapter 158 Reclaiming The Lost Respect

Cecilia had arrived at Vivian’s house rather early

The two of them had breakfast together while waiting for Stella to come and apologize

Why did Stella suddenly decide to apologize?Vivian was somewhat puzzled

A few days ago, Stella was still splurging to suppress the trending topics, but now, she said she wanted to apologize all of a sudden. It was truly puzzling

Cecilia didn’t know either

Usually, Nathaniel and Zachary would definitely do something whenever Stella got into trouble

If they wanted to suppress such trending topics, they could do so easily

The only plausible explanation at that time could be, for some reason, neither of them wanted to help her

Don’t overthink things. Just focus on reclaiming the respect you once lost. That’s all that matters,Cecilia advised her


Anyway, I’ll hide away for a bit. Take your time to shine.” 


When Stella arrived at ten.. Cecilia had already retreated to the bedroom

Accompanying Stella was also a lawyer

Stella, donning a mask and sunglasses, stepped into the mansion. Upon entering, she turned her gaze toward Vivian, who was seated on the sofa

Vivian had a bit of baby fat, making her appear exceptionally youthful

Hello, Ms. Kennedy,Stella greeted, without removing her sunglasses

Upon hearing this, Vivian didn’t even offer her a seat. Instead, she cut straight to the chase and said, Let’s skip the formalities, Ms. Ross. Just go ahead and apologize.” 

Stella choked up

Thinking about the news she had seen online, she felt compelled to apologize. I’m sorry.” 

I don’t think you’re sincere at all. Let’s just drop this conversation,Vivian said, deliberately making things difficult for her

Stella was growing somewhat impatient, but the lawyer by her side held her back

Chapter 158 Reclaiming The Lost Respect 

+5 Pearls 

She could only remove her sunglasses and mask, bowing once more as she apologized again, I’m sorry. I hope your esteemed company won’t hold it against me. I am willing to accept all the compensations you’ve proposed.” 

Seeing the usually arrogant Stella apologize, Vivian experienced an unprecedented sense of satisfaction

I recall my client stating that you should apologize to me first, then publicly admit to the media. and the masses that you’ve plagiarized. Would you agree to this?Vivian had already heard about these demands from Cecilia

There was no way they would let a copycat like Stella off the hook so easily

Stella didn’t respond. Instead, she turned her gaze toward the lawyer standing off to the side

The lawyer then stepped forward and said, Ms. Kennedy, I wonder if you could do Stella a favor? Perhaps you could have a thorough discussion with your client, persuading them not to admit to plagiarism? If you agree, I have connections in the capital’s office that can help you gain the status and reputation you desire at the fastest speed.” 

Vivian was not surprised

The sentiment sure is favorable. This guy is here to win me over! I was wondering how Stella would willingly apologize to me! 

Vivian laughed. You’ve miscalculated. Unlike the famous Ms. Ross, I don’t care about status or reputation.” 

After she finished speaking, she approached Stella, looking at her with a mocking expression

Ms. Ross, the socalled superstar, a woman addicted to plagiarism, who lived a reckless life abroad and even stole someone’s husband upon returning home. You should abandon any hope for reputation. Just brace yourself for the impending lawsuit and the inevitable fall from grace! I’m telling you, I had no intention of accepting your apology today.” 

Upon hearing her words, Stella looked at her in disbelief. What did you say?” 

What shocked her even more was when the bedroom door was pushed open, and Cecilia actually walked out


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