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When Her Death Couldn't Break Him novel Chapter 184

Chapter 184 Little Rascal 

Around this time, the students were about to be dismissed from school

Zachary was off to confront Jonathan

When his car arrived at the preschool, his gaze didn’t waver from the main entrance for even


Finally, he caught sight of that little rascal

Because there were still many parents at the preschool entrance, he couldn’t send his bodyguard to apprehend him. He had no choice but to go there himself

Surround him. Don’t let him escape,” he said

Zachary knew this little rascal was somewhat clever

At that moment, Jonathan was still waiting for his ride home when he suddenly felt something was off. He glanced around, and in the reflection of his dark eyes, he saw Zachary’s darkened. face

Jonathan found himself at a loss

How on earth did he manage to find this place

He didn’t have time to think too much. Hurriedly, he took cover among a group of children and 

ran away 

Felix curiously asked, Jon, what are you doing?” 

Jonathan took notice and said to Felix, It seems the person picking you up today has changed. You should hurry along now.” 

Felix was somewhat baffled.. 

Following the gaze of Jonathan, he quickly spotted Zachary

That’s Mr. Zachary. He’s Uncle Nathaniel’s friend. I didn’t expeet him to be the one picking me up today. I have to go now. Goodbye.” 

Zachary saw Jonathan disappear into a crowd of children. Just as he was about to chase after the boy, he suddenly felt someone grab onto his thigh

Mr. Zachary.” 

Zachary looked down and saw Felix’s bright, eager eyes

He was, after all, the eldest grandson of the Rainsworth family, the apple of the family’s eyes

Felix, what’s the matter?” 


Chapter 184 Little Rascal 

Felix found it somewhat peculiar. Aren’t you here to pick me up?” 

Zachary was confused

Why would I come here to pick you up

+5 Pearls 

The Rainsworth family already treated him like a treasure. Was it necessary for the Sinclair family to do the same

Zachary, who had no fondness for children, gently pulled away from him

You’ve misunderstood. I’m here looking for someone.” 

Felix couldn’t help but feel a sense of loss

But Jon saidWait a minute. How did Jon know Mr. Zachary’s here to pick me up? Does Jon also know Mr. Zachary

Felix had many questions, but he quickly pushed them to the back of his mind

He held the utmost admiration for his younger uncle, Nathaniel. He also had a fondness for the people who were close to Nathaniel.. 

Mr. Zachary, who are you looking for?” 

Felix knew that Zachary and Nathaniel were alike. Neither of them had children

His mother had said that both of them couldn’t have children

It was truly pitiful

I’m looking for a little rascal.Zachary was looking around everywhere

He was determined to find Jonathan, pull down his pants, and spank him

Upon hearing the term little rascal, Felix immediately dismissed the idea of it being associated. with Jonathan. In his eyes, Jonathan was a diligent student, an eloquent speaker, and very attentivenothing like a rascal at all

All right, you should go wait for your parents to pick you up. I’m going to look for the little 


Zachary didn’t want to waste any more time

Quickly, he spotted his target, who was hiding in a corner


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