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When Her Death Couldn't Break Him novel Chapter 274

Chapter 274 Please Divorce Me 

+5 Pearls 

Cecilia trembled as Nathaniel held her tightly. Nathaniel, it’s over between us. Please don’t do 


As Nathaniel tugged at her clothes, he responded, Did you really think you could decide on a divorce all by yourself?” 

At that moment, Cecilia realized there was no escape. No matter how much she resisted, it wouldn’t be enough. Desperation set in, and she did the only thing she could think ofshe bit down hard on Nathaniel’s shoulder

He grunted in pain, but he didn’t stop

The taste of blood filled Cecilia’s mouth, and she stared at him blankly before cursing, Nathaniel, you b*stard!” 

You’re despicable! You promised you’d never touch me when we got married, and now that I don’t love you anymore, what the hell are you doing?Her voice was filled with venom and bitterness

I misspoke,she admitted. It’s not that I don’t love you now. The truth is, I never loved you from the start! You’re not even my type. You’re just a hotheaded maniac, a lunatic! If I’d know had a twin brother, I never would have married you!” 


Nathaniel listened to her words, feeling as if even breathing had become painful. He tried to maintain his composure, but it was clear that her words had struck a nerve. His large hand. cradled Cecilia’s face, his fingertips brushing her lips

Keep cursing,he whispered

Tears welled up in Cecilia’s eyes. Nathaniel, if you have any shred of decency, then divorce me. I’ve returned all the money you asked for. What more do you want?” 

Instead of responding, Nathaniel bit down on her lips

Tears streamed down Cecilia’s face as she tried desperately to push him away, but he remained unyielding

In a moment of sheer frustration, Cecilia fought back, both of them tasting the metallic tang of blood in their mouths. It was only then that Nathaniel gradually let go, a bitter smile playing at the corners of his lips. So you do know what pain feels like? You had two sons with Calvin. You faked your death and disappeared for five years, while I only neglected you for three. Who really went too far?” 

Cecilia was stunned

Two sons? Did he find out about Jon

Nathaniel noticed her confusion and gently cupped her face. Leaning in close, he whispered, Are you afraid I’ll hurt them? How long do you think you can hide them? One year? Five years? Or 


maybe ten? Believe it or not, once I find them, they’re as good as dead.” 


A harsh slap from Cecilia landed squarely on Nathaniel’s cheek


gaze turned icy. Is it too much to ask for a child of our own now?” 

Choked with emotion, Cecilia retorted, I don’t want to have a child with you.” 

Her words cut Nathaniel deeply, like a dagger plunged into his heart


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