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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 117

Teresa came in half way and looked at Victor and Sophia innocently. Holding the two glasses, she tiptoed to Victor's desk.

Victor thought it was his subordinate who had something to report to him, so he finally raised his head up from the files. But when he saw it was Teresa, he then went back to work, poker faced.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you and Sophia's work. It's all my fault. I would take you a little time!" Teresa cautiously put a glass of water on the desk in front of Victor, and then put the other one on Sophia's desk.

"It's so hot outside. I think you are so busy that you don't have time to prepare the sunstroke. If you don't mind..."

Teresa's voice was pleasant to hear. She tried to put on a smile, hoping that Victor could notice her. To Teresa's surprise, Victor just glanced at her the moment she walked in and then ignored her. Which annoyed Teresa a lot.

"Sophia, I know how busy Victor is. Why don't you have a taste first?" Noticing that Victor didn't respond, Teresa paid her attention to Sophia besides. Teresa asked Sophia cautiously to find a sense of existence.

Sophia didn't expect Teresa to talk to her, so Sophia felt a little awkward and didn't know what to do. She took up the glass that Teresa handed to her. Although it was only a glass, the body of the glass was delicately carved, which indicated that the glass was very expensive. However, when Sophia thought of the usual attitude of Teresa, Sophia couldn't even be perfunctory. So she said coldly, "Miss Teresa, if you have nothing else to do, you can go back. We still have something to deal with..."

Hearing this Teresa was rage, but she dared not act that she was close to Victor. So, she said, "what's up? I've just arrived, and you have to ask me to leave." Then, ignoring Sophia's expression, she directly sat on the sofa to receive the guests.

It was natural for Sophia to object to Teresa's request, but Sophia couldn't make any comments since Victor didn't say anything.

Sitting at the main desk, Victor was immersed in his work and had no time to think about what was going on. He only knew that Teresa came here with a glass of water for him, and then he didn't care about anything else. After all, he didn't want to waste even one second on such a woman.

Time is money for Victor now.

…… Although Teresa didn't know what was on Victor's mind, she was glad that Victor didn't turn her down. Teresa glanced at Sophia, flaunting. The gentleness and modesty on her face disappeared all of a sudden. She put her hands on the handle of the sofa aside and sat there squarely. Obviously, she was the hostess.

Sophia knew that Teresa was deliberately provoking her. But she still couldn't control her anxiety. It was not easy for them to enjoy a 'happy moment' with each other since Victor stayed in the company today, and now the 'lovers world' was deliberately ruined by Teresa.

Sophia was looked at Victor, who was working next to her. It seemed that he didn't care about the action of Teresa at all. Actually, he was only concerned about his own cooperation project. Thinking of this, she had no choice but to ignore Teresa, who was sitting on the sofa, and focus all her attention on the work in front of her.

On the other side, Teresa, sitting on the sofa, idly played with her cell phone and glanced at Victor from time to time and described Sophia. Teresa didn't understand why they two could sit in the office without any communication and only pay attention to their work...

Although Teresa had only stayed in Victor's office for ten minutes, she felt like she had stayed up all afternoon...

Teresa felt snubbed, so she stood up and moved her aching arms. She found that Sophia and Victor didn't notice her. Teresa felt a sense of loss, but she couldn't show it. She pretended to be gentle and said, "Victor, Sophia. I suddenly remembered that I have something to deal with, so I'm leaving now."

It was until then that Victor raised his head and gave an angry glance at Teresa. He seemed to be dissatisfied with her troublesome behavior. And Teresa escaped from the office directly.

Sophia witnessed Victor's small action, and she was a little bit panicked.

In the past, when Teresa appeared in Victor's office, Victor treated her indifferently and even said something ruthless to her. But today, Victor didn't drive Teresa away. Instead, he allowed her to stay in his office. This was hard for Sophia to accept.

To be honest, Victor couldn't give Sophia any sense of security.

In the beginning, they expressed their love to each other. But not long after, they were attacked by the sudden news, and the passion of the two was dropping sharply. In particular, because of her, Victor's order was also blocked. This made Sophia extremely guilty. These days, they seldom met each other because they lived under the same roof...


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