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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 14

Standing in front of the desk which used to belong to him and seeing that Sophia had changed his seat, Caspar was really upset.

"Tell me, what should I do to get the JH Group back to me?" Caspar noticed that Sophia didn't pay any attention to him since this moment and said to her coldly.

"It's my draft agreement. As long as you sign your name on it, I'll ask Victor to return the JH Group to you!" Then Sophia stood up and put a document on the table in front of Caspar.

When Caspar looked at the document in front of him, his pupils slowly dilated, showing an incredible look. He looked at Sophia, which was strange to him.

"What Are you going to disown me? Cut off from each other? " Holding the agreement in trembling hands, Caspar scolded.

"Yes!" There was no sadness on Sophia's face. It seemed that this was just an ordinary document and had nothing to do with her.

"Look at this seat. Don't you want to get back?" Holding the agreement in hand, Caspar had been staring blankly and said slightly.

Caspar looked at the agreement with hesitation for a long time. Finally, he picked up a pen and signed his name.

Seeing this result, Sophia sneered and looked at Caspar with eyes full of contempt. Until now, she still did not understand why her mother liked him, and was willing to raise her up to such a long time.

"Okay! You stay here and wait for the news. I will go to the YS Group right now. " Sophia's heart didn't ache, when Caspar signed the note. On the contrary, she felt the relief that she had never felt before.

It was said that the ties of blood between father and daughter was bound by blood, but at this moment, Sophia's feeling was like that Caspar was not her biological father.

"Sophia, where are you going in the future? !" Caspar asked when Sophia walked past him. He showed concern in his words that never showed before.

"None of your business!" Sophia had never heard Caspar speak to her in such a friendly tone. She paused, and then left without looking back.

'If you treated me like this earlier, I might be moved. But I have never heard the word family. You don't have to pretend.'

After Sophia left, Caspar was so depressed that he sank into the sofa and kept silent for a long time. Then he stood up, walked to the chair he was familiar with, sat down, closed his eyes and fell into thought.

When Caspar opened his eyes again, the sadness had all disappeared, and only endless light was left. And the once arrogant and unruly Caspar came back.

The YS Group.

The YS Group was the biggest construction group in S city and the top Group on the floor of the S city. It stood for the position of the YS Group. Everyone was proud that they could enter the YS Group.

Sophia was on the first floor of the YS Group. It couldn't be denied that the YS Group was really powerful.

"Hello, Miss Sophia!" The receptionist downstairs warmly greeted her.

Sophia turned aroud. It turned out the girl who received her the other day. Sophia didn't expect that she could recognize her so well in her memory, since Sophia had only been here once.

"Mr. Victor has said that if you come, you can go to his office directly. You don't need to make an appointment." The receptionist said sweetly with a decent smile and admiration in her eyes.

Sophia frowned. 'What is he doing? Did he expect that I would come to him?' She wondered.

The odd thought of the cold and unruly smile on Victor's face somehow made Sophia feel uncomfortable! 'It's not a big deal. He just have some money!

Sophia nodded to the receptionist, indicating that she knew it. She got into the elevator and skillfully pressed the floor where Victor was.

"Well! Only Miss Sophia can get special attention from Mr. Victor. I'm really envious of her! " Whispered the receptionist.

"What are you doing? !" John's deep and charming voice came from behind the girl.

"Ah! Mr. John, Miss Sophia came here just now. I was guiding her. " The receptionist lowered her head and whispered when she found it was John.

"Yes!" John walked to the elevator and watched the changing number inside. Eventually, he stopped at the floor where Victor was.

Staring at the number for a long time, John pushed the button of the elevator next to him and walked in.

"John's back is so sexy. He's so handsome!" The girl at the front desk stared at John's back and murmured.

Sophia raised her head and looked at the five big words on the door of the CEO's office. Sophia was no movement for a long time.

Sophia looked around and found that no one cared about what she had done. This was completely different from the last time she had come.

Last time, the YS Group had a strange look at Sophia, but this time, it was nervous as if... It seemed to be afraid of her.

Sophia didn't sleep well these few nights. So when she closed her eyes, she dreamed about the things that Victor did on her. Thinking of this, Sophia felt her face burning.

Shaking her head, Sophia took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


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