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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 17

Hearing that, Stellar was very unhappy and even glanced at her lips in the restaurant next door.

Sophia saw this and said lightly, "no!"

She didn't want to stay in this home any more, so she didn't care about the meal at all?!

"Sophia, this meal is specially prepared for you. Just take it as a gift from me, your father." Standing behind Sophia, Caspar said in a helpless voice.

"That's right. Your father said he's grateful to you. After all, it's you who got the JH Group back for him. Please stay and have dinner with us!" And Stellar always kept her virtuous image even at last moment.

When Sophia heard this, a touch of sarcasm appeared in her lips. She knew that Caspar wouldn't treat her to dinner for the sake of their father daughter relationship. It turned out that it was all because of the JH Group. He was afraid that Sophia might be angry with him and he had to comfort her.

Sophia put her pack in a corner of the room. She didn't even lift her eyelids and said, "it's okay. After all, I got the JH Group back for Jian family." After that, Sophia went to the restaurant with Caspar.

Sophia had been busy talking to Victor and hadn't eaten anything this morning, so she should be hungry now, but the delicacies in front of her had no appetite at all.

It seemed that the meal should be decided by whom she was with?!

"Sophia, please help yourself with the chopsticks. Quick!" "Great evening, ladies and gentlemen.".

"Mom, I'm back!" Jenny's cheerful voice came through from outside.

Sophia's hand, which was about to pick up the chopsticks, was put down again. She had almost forgotten that "my dear sister" was also here.

"Why are you here? Didn't you say that you would never come back? " Confused, Jenny asked when she saw Sophia sitting there quietly.

"I'm here for the invitation," Sophia didn't want to answer Jenny's provocation. But if she kept silent, Jenny would get angry and cynical from time to time.

It was not until then that Jenny saw the delicacies on the table. Her face could not help but change color. When she looked around and saw Sophia's small suitcase, she immediately understood what was going on. A smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, as if she was quite pleased with herself.

"It's you who would leave! I brought one of your old friends here today. " A mysterious smile crept on Jenny's face.

"Jenny, stop it!" Caspar prepared the meal for thank Sophia, how could he let Jenny messed up his arrangement.

"Caspar, I think you should take a look at what kind of friend Jenny has brought back." Stellar couldn't bear to see her daughter being ignored, so Stellar tried to talk her out of it.

"Come in." Seeing that Caspar didn't refuse, Jenny thought he acquiesced and waved to the door.

Then a young man came in. He was 1.8 meters tall, with starry eyes and a pair of glasses hanging on his tall nose. At first glance, he looked quite neat and refined, but the temperament was almost inferior.

Once lover had met again. Sophia just felt uncomfortable.

"Peter? Is this the man you are going to introduce? " Caspar choked back his anger and asked.

The reason why Caspar didn't allow Jenny to date anyone was that he wanted her to marry a man who was as rich as him, at least which could help him in business.

But why did Jenny bring Peter back now? Caspar would never tolerate it.

"Yes!" Jenny replied frankly, not noticing the change of the atmosphere at all. However, Jenny couldn't help feeling extremely disappointed when she saw Sophia's expressionless in Sophia's eyes.

"Jenny, how can you bring him back?" Frowned, Stellar stared at the man, stood up, walked to Jenny's side and kept her distance from Peter.

"Didn't you say that you have cut all contact with him?" Stellar whispered in Jenny's ears.

In fact, Stellar didn't like Peter at all. This man was neither rich nor powerful. Instead, he was relying on a woman to get his position. What a shameless man! How could such a man deserve to be her son-in-law.

"Mom, what happened to you?" Jenny frowned and said. Jenny didn't expect that even her mother disliked Peter so much. It was obvious that Stellar had done it. Jenny started to worry about Peter.

"Mr. Casper, don't blame Jenny. It was I who asked her to bring me here!" Peter kept calm as he entered the room and noticed that Jenny's parents were not satisfied with him.

Sophia looked at this scene in front of her with her cold sight. Peter couldn't stir her heart up any emotions. She just quietly looked at this scene and quietly watched as an audience to see what was going on.

"Peter, do you know you can't hide behind a woman!" Caspar was mad at Peter's attitude.

"I know Mr. Casper doesn't like me. But I'm serious about Jenny. Can't you give me a chance to win your heart?" However, Peter didn't show any cowardice. He was still fighting for the chance.

When Jenny saw that Peter fought against her father's anger alone, she was moved.

But the next second, Stellar grabbed Jenny's clothes tightly, not letting Jenny take a step away from her. Stellar was afraid that if she didn't do that, Caspar might be pissed off and he would scold Jenny as well.

"No matter what you say, I won't let Jenny be with you! Don't even think about it! " Caspar knocked on the table and shouted.

Obviously, from what Caspar had done, his patience was almost to its limit.

"Mr. Casper, are you so afraid of giving me a chance?" However, Peter didn't show any cowardice on his face. Instead, he stared at the angry man with provocative eyes.


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