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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 219

Then Sophia put the document on the desk quickly and left without looking back.

Victor put on a cold face when he saw Sophia walking away from him and even deliberately giving him some space to be with Teresa. His heart was uncomfortable.

Victor cast a glance at Teresa in front of him, and the latter was holding a piece of cake in her hand. She looked innocent, as if she was saying that she had nothing to do with this.

Then, Victor walked from the desk to the sofa and wanted to keep a distance from Teresa. He pointed at the cake brought by Teresa and said coldly, "Take your stuff and leave right now!"

Teresa was a little shocked by Victor's harsh words. Tears began to well up in her eyes at once. She said pitifully, "Victor, do you vent your anger on me? But I don't know what happened... "

The hypocritical expression of Teresa annoyed Teresa. Especially when she mentioned the Sophia, he shouted, "You keep saying about Sophia. Have you ever respected her? Teresa, if I chill out with Sophia of these days, do you thing you can swoop in? I tell you, there is no chance between us. Even if I didn't love Sophia in the first place, I wouldn't be with you!"

His words struck the heart of Teresa. As a result, she lost her dignity in front of him. Although Teresa was very angry, she still held it back and whispered to him, "You can't say that about me, Victor. I just like you. Besides, it doesn't matter if you don't marry me. Till now, I'm most willing to do everything for you, including what happened that night... "

At the mention of that night, Victor was annoyed. Sophia had been deliberately cold to him because of the matter, but he had no memory of that night at all. It seems as if he had been calculated.

They were in a stalemate for a long time. After a long while, Victor asked Teresa, "What happened between you and me that night?"

Hearing that, Teresa quickly understood and said, "That night was my happiest night in more than 20 years! Victor, you don't have to bear too much pressure. I've said that you don't have to take any responsibility if you don't want to! If Sophia has any misunderstanding, I can explain to her in person... "

Victor rubbed his temples and felt exhausted. Pointing to the cakes on the coffee table, he said in a tired voice, "No, thank you. Take your stuff and disappear in front of me!"

Teresa collected all the things on the tea table silently and then left the office quickly. The moment Teresa stepped out of the office, the blandness on her face immediately disappeared.

Teresa threw her lunch box into the garbage can outside without any hesitation. A muffled sound came from behind and she left with satisfaction on her high heels.

Her self-esteem was hurt by what Victor just said to her. But even if she was hurt, she still pretended to be indifferent and continued to act in front of Victor and flattered him. Connie always told Teresa no matter how angry she was, she had to act considerately in front of Victor.

Teresa touched her lower abdomen. She thought that she had to bear with him for several days and later show the fact that she was pregnant. She didn't believe that Victor was still indifferent to her!

The situation was totally different for Victor in the office. He kept repeating the scene that Sophia had just broken into the room. Her expression was complicated at that time, which seemed to be angry and sad, but he felt more disappointment.

Even if his words were pale, he still wanted to get a chance to explain everything to Sophia. Even if it was only a second, he wanted her to hear the truth. However, she turned a blind eye to him and left him alone in the room, leaving him to Teresa...

Now, there was a strong impulse in Victor's heart. He wanted to call Sophia and tell her that sometimes what she saw wasn't necessarily true, and what she heard wasn't necessarily true either! He also wanted to tell her how much he loved her and how much he cared about her... After he dialed, a cold female voice reached his ear, "The subscriber you dialed can't be reached."

The man put down his phone speechlessly. He didn't know why he and Sophia could be like this. But even so, his heart was full of love and he just wanted to love her in his whole life no matter what difficult he met. It was because Sophia was already the one that Victor had decided to spend the rest of his life with.

After Sophia got out of Victor's office, Sophia walked into the building aimlessly. The YS Group was so huge, but she didn't know where to go.

"Hello, Sophia!"


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