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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 225

Victor had to drive home. It wasn't rush hour. But the traffic jam was common in S City. So he stopped on the bridge. When Victor returned home, he saw Adam and Connie sitting on the sofa, chatting happily with Karl and Connie. Teresa sat aside quietly and behaved well. Seeing that, Victor had an ominous premonition. He frowned in an instant.

When Grace turned her head to look at Victor, she waved at him and asked, "What took you so long? Why are you still standing at the door? Come here quickly!"

"Hello, uncle, aunt," Victor greeted courteously. Victor took a glance at Teresa, but immediately looked away.

"Now that Victor is back, let's get down to business." After a short pause, Adam said, "Everyone saw what happened on Christopher's birthday party. Teresa is a girl, and her reputation is very important! Since something like this has happened, why don't we ask Victor and Teresa to get engaged as soon as possible? " Adam said as he stroked Teresa's hair affectionately. Hearing his words, Teresa lowered her head shyly.

"Yes, Teresa and Victor had engagement at the very beginning, but they haven't gotten engaged yet. Now that things had gone so far, it would be natural for us to put the engagement thing on the agenda! If Teresa and Victor get engaged, we'll become a family and help each other in business." When Connie spoke of business on purpose, she wanted to put pressure on Grace.

Ever since Zed came back home and was arranged by Christopher to work in the company, Grace had been a little worried about Victor's status in the company. Seeing that Miranda and Connie were getting closer and closer to each other, Grace felt a strong sense of crisis. Grace was shocked by what Connie said. Grace quickly said, "You're right. The two kids have already had their own engagement, and get engaged is just a matter of time. Put it on the agenda as soon as possible." When Grace was speaking, she pulled Karl's sleeve.

Of course, Karl understood what his wife meant. Although he believed in Victor's ability and felt that Victor wouldn't be easily replaced by Zed, he knew clearly what Terence's family was thinking about. Terence was an ambitious man and Terence would be a disaster sooner or later. At this time, with the support of An family, it was the best to suppress Terence's ambition in the cradle. Besides, Teresa seemed to be deeply in love with Victor. It was fortunate for Victor to marry her!

Thinking of this, Karl nodded his head and replied, "I've waited for a long time. It's a good thing to put it on the agenda. What do you think of the engagement ceremony? "

Karl's attitude was a great comfort to Adam. He thought that Xiao family still held a sense of responsibility. He smiled and said, "So, the An Group and the YS Group were two leading enterprises in S City. The engagement of the two families will surely attract the attention of the media. Besides, I only have a daughter. She will get engaged once in a lifetime. The more grand the ceremony is, the better..." Victor interrupted Adam before Adam could finish his words.

"I don't agree!" Victor's sudden words surprised everyone present! Since Victor came back, he heard his parents talking about his marriage without asking his opinions, as if he didn't exist! He wanted to marry Sophia but not Teresa! He wouldn't allow any one else to arrange his own life, even his parents!

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Frightened, Grace tried to stop Victor. She had expected that Victor would oppose. But she didn't expect that he would be so rude to refuse the marriage in front of Teresa's parents!

"Victor, what did you say? Uncle didn't hear that clearly. " Asked Adam unhappily. He wanted to give Victor a chance to take back what he had said.

But Victor looked into the eyes of Adam of fearless, Victor said firmly, "I say, I don't agree to get engaged to Teresa!"

"Victor..." Teresa turned pale with fear. He refused her without mercy in front of her parents. The tears began to well up in her eyes as she felt aggrieved.

"Victor!" Karl also stopped Victor. No matter whether the marriage between the two families would work or not, it was not appropriate for Victor to offend An family like this. But Victor paid no attention to his parents.

Hearing that, Adam was angrily irritated. He frowned, stared at Victor and said in a cold voice, "Are you looking down on An family?"


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