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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 27

Leon, who was standing beside them, really wanted to cover his eyes and ears. This woman was so shameless and he didn't know what to say to Rita.

Sophia stood straight without any weakness, looked straight into Rita's eyes and said slowly, "if you can't cooperate with me, our company has to change another actress. Wasting some money to save our company's form, it was not a loss for the YS Group."

It was hard for Rita to believe that the once submissive girl had suddenly become such a powerful woman. Rita felt a little uncomfortable about this change, so she turned to the other side and said, "well, fine. You win. Reshoot."

"Thanks for your cooperation, Miss Rita."

Rita called a makeup artist and called her to come in. Then Sophia glanced at Rita and looked at Leon. "Although Rita has a bad temper, but she shouldn't be a bad person, so please forgive her."

Leon was quite fond of the small girl with thoughts. He reached out his hand to her politely and said, "thank you for your help. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have dealt with this matter so quickly."

Sophia was a little shy and her face flushed red. She shyly held Leon's right hand and said, "don't be shy. We're all colleagues."

Rita, who was doing her make-up, saw Leon talking cheerfully with Sophia through the mirror. She closed her eyes to cover the anger in her eyes. What a bitch! Everything Sophia saw in the morning must have upset her. That's why Sophia helped Leon handle her!

All the staff returned to their normal work gradually. After the incident, no one dared to speak ill of Rita, for fear that she would lose her temper!

"Sophia, I want some water." After taking a group of promotional photos, Rita began to order Sophia who was as a supervisor.

Sophia tightened her lips and said, "Miss Rita, wait a moment."

Sophia poured the pure water into a cup and handed it to Rita. However, the glass fell to the ground accidentally. Rita's shoes got wet because of the broken glass.

It was unexpected that Rita slapped Sophia across her face. The sound of this slap reverberated through the whole studio. The sound was so loud that everyone in the studio was stunned. People who saw this scene couldn't believe their eyes. However, no one dared to offend Rita.

"You couldn't hold the cup tight, and my shoes got wet." Rita shouted before Sophia could say anything

When John walked past the studio, he saw Sophia was holding her face with her hand. John couldn't help but feel uneasy and walked towards the inside.

When John got closer to Sophia, he saw her tears running down her cheek. When he saw her swollen cheek, he felt a little sad. He took Sophia behind him and coldly said to Rita, "Miss Rita, there should be limit for doing things. Don't take others' forbearance as the bottom line. We really can't tolerate a person like you!"

"It's ridiculous that an assistant protected another assistant."

Rita snorted and looked at Sophia behind John.

Sophia hold her hand tightly. She had no father, but she had never suffered such a loss. Rita must be unreasonable now.

"John, don't say anything more. It's okay for me to get slapped." Sophia wiped her tears and tried to smile to John. When did she become so coward!

However, right at this moment, Victor, who was walking in the studio, happened to see this scene, which was totally different from the one that John comforted. Victor's dashing eyebrows shot up, and the look in Victor's eyes suddenly turned cold. He didn't even know that his right-hand assistant was interested in his bed companion. As a man, how could he not know what John was thinking!

"John, what happened?" "What's going on?" Victor asked.

"Your assistant broke the cup. I have spoken a few words to her. Then the other assistant said the YS Group doesn't allow me to stay." Rita glared at John as if she was threatening him with her chin.

"You're such a sweet talker, Miss Rita," answered John.

"Well, that's enough." The two were about to argue with each other, but Victor stopped them. He kept looking down at Sophia, and said, "Sophia, you're so clumsy. How can you do it?"

Sophia didn't make any sound, and her grievance almost crushed her. Only one side of Rita's words made Victor realize that she was wrong. Victor was so reasonable.

"Mr. Victor..." John wanted to defend Sophia, but his hand was grabbed by Sophia. John wondered if Sophia had to bear this slap?!

Sophia never raised her head. She bent down and apologized to Rita, "I'm sorry. It's my fault. I'm sorry to have frightened you."

After finishing her words, Sophia ran out of the studio. She couldn't stay there for even a second. Victor was just her bed partner. He misunderstood and hated her. It had nothing to do with her.

Victor stood still and looked at the gate of the studio. 'What's wrong with her? She didn't even defend herself? And why had she kept her head down? It wasn't like Sophia who would bow to him.

"Miss Rita, you deserve to be a big star. Your acting skill is superb." Said John in a sarcastic tone. He didn't even look at her, as the way such a snob looked at her made him sick!

"John." "What's wrong with you?" Victor asked, looking at John with indifference. Victor knew John and John would never be such an arrogant man

John was his special assistant. If it hadn't been for the serious matter, he would never have gone through such terrible things. John acted like this maybe because of... Sophia?


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