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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 3

She didn't raise her hand to knock on the door until she heard the people stopped talking.

Knock... knock!

Nobody answered.

Knock! Knock!

For a second time, nobody came to the door.

After a third try, the door finally cracked open.

Peter stuck his head out, his eyes widening with panic. "You... Sophia... Why are you here all of a sudden?"

'How did I ever come to love such a cowardly man!' Sophia thought at this moment.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Sophia said sweetly with a sly smile.

"Sophia, I..." Peter stammered, not being able to think up of a good excuse.

"Call me Miss Sophia from now on, okay?" she snapped back at him. Then, Sophia opened the door and shoved Peter away, heading straight towards the bedroom.

Peter tried to get there before she did.

But it was too late! Standing by the bedroom door, Sophia glared coldly at the woman who was wearing Peter's shirt.

When Sophia decided to come here, she was prepared to accept the fact that Peter was seeing another woman. But it still didn't prepare her for what she saw. Her heart broke into even tinier pieces -- Peter was hooking up with her half-sister, Jenny Jian!

Jenny Jian stared back at Sophia with a naughty look in her eyes!

Ever since the first day Stellar and Jenny came into Jian family, Jenny Jian always stared at Sophia with that same look in her big eyes. It wasn't long before Sophia noticed that Jenny Jian wanted everything she had. As long as it was Sophia's, Jenny Jian would try her best to get it from her through either Caspar or Stellar.

But it never occurred to Sophia that even her boyfriend, Peter, was going to be taken away by her!

No wonder Jenny Jian sent Sophia that picture in WeChat earlier. She was showing off her success!

"Sophia! Please, just let me explain!" Gritting his teeth, Peter grabbed Sophia's arm.

"Fine!" Sophia grabbed Peter's hand and pushed it away from her. "Tell me how you can possible explain this," she said coldly.

Sophia was cool and calm, which made Peter speechless for a moment and looked at Sophia in astonishment.


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