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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 36

The man's voice was exactly Victor!

When Sophia raised her head, she found Victor standing next to her. His tall figure and imposing manner made the atmosphere stifle.

The female employees who had just taunted her all lowered their heads in a submissive manner when they saw it was Victor.

They didn't expect that their distinguished president would come to the tea room in person. These trifles were specially done by someone!

"Not ready yet. I'm going to prepare." Sophia said it after a brief pause. The emotionless expression on Victor's face shook her heart.

"What's the matter with them?" Victor cast a cold glance at the rest, which made Lily shiver with fear. The other girls lowered their heads and held their breath.

After a moment of silence, Sophia looked at Lily and said, "nothing. I just want to have a small talk with them."

It was a bickering between women. Sophia didn't want Victor to get involved. After all, he was the CEO of the YS Group, not hers.

"What's your name?" It was not easy to tell whether Victor was angry or not from his cold voice. He stared at the half lowered head Lily.

Although Sophia said it was nothing, Greg didn't plan to stop here. He had overheard their conversation. It was obvious that someone was bullying Sophia. He didn't realize that Sophia he knew became weak and could be bullied easily?

"Mr. Victor, I... My name is Lily. " It was the first time for her to face Victor so close. Lily couldn't help but shiver and stuttered.

"Sophia is right. The YS Group is not suitable for you, and entertainment gossip issues are more suitable for you. So from tomorrow onwards, you don't have to come here to work. Go to find a more suitable job for you."

The female employees were taken aback by the arrogant man. It wasn't a big deal for Lily to be fired by Victor!

Sophia was surprised and confused, looked at Victor.

Lily raised her head with tears in her eyes and asked, "Mr. Victor, did I do something wrong? I'm a five-year-old employee of the YS Group. It's so unfair for me if you fire me like this! " With that, she glared at Sophia in bewilderment and anger. Gnashing her teeth, Lily asked, "did you do this to protect her? A newcomer? She... "

"I don't need your opinion." Just as Lily was about to say something, she was stopped by a cold voice.

However, Lily didn't give up. She glared at Sophia and said, "you're so good! You're really good at seducing men. You'd better pray that you won't see me again. Otherwise, I'll get even with you for you!"

Sophia lifted the corners of her lips, "then I'll wait." Sophia was not the Virgin Mary. After all, it was Lily's own fault that she was fired by Victor.

"What's going on? Why are you here, Mr. Victor? What happened? "

As soon as Sophia finished, Leon came. When Leon was busy with the new product news, he suddenly heard that Victor shouted at a female employee in the tea room. He was frightened and ran over to see it. He was confused why the CEO would personally criticize people in the tea room, but when he saw Sophia, he understood it.

"Now that you are here, you can get her resignation procedures." Victor looked at Lily coldly.

"Okay, I'll take care of it now," replied Mike

"Yes." Victor turned around and strode out of the room, holding Sophia's hand.

After taking two steps, Victor suddenly stopped and said to Leon behind him without looking back, "are you Lily? All the companies under the YS Group will not hire you in the future. "

Leaving those words coldly, Victor grabbed Sophia's hand and walked out of the tea room.

Victor's words were too heavy.

The YS Group had a wide range of industries. It had played an important role in every industry. Since Victor asked all the companies under the command of him not to hire her, Lily couldn't find a good way out.


"Your punishment is too heavy." As soon as they got back to the office, Sophia couldn't help speaking.

When Victor heard this, a dash of displeasure flashed through his handsome face. "You want to speak for her? Don't you forget what she said and how she threatened you? "

"You misunderstood me. Even if you give her too much punishment, she deserves it. I'm just curious. Are you so cold-blooded and ruthless to everyone?" Sophia raised her head to look at Victor.

Victor raised his eyebrows and looked up Sophia from the top to the bottom.

The question in her eyes made Victor a little unpleasant. What did she mean? Was he a cold-blooded and ruthless man in her eyes?

His lips curled into a cold smile. He stared at her, with a glint in his eyes. "What do you want me to do to you?" He asked.

Hearing this, Sophia lowered her eyebrows. And Sophia drew far to him and said, "I'm going to sort out the files you want for the meeting."


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