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Win Your Heart novel Chapter 531

Luis didn't want to be coaxed or ate candies, so Sophia was at a loss for words. At this time, someone reached out a hand to take the lollipop from Sophia's hand and opened it. After attracting Luis' attention with a little rabbit, the person put the candy in Luis' mouth.

In an instant, Luis stopped crying, playing with the little rabbit candy in his hand. Seeing that her child finally stopped crying, Sophia wanted to turn around to thank the person, but found that it was Teresa.

"Why are you here? What a coincidence! Thank you so much, or we really can't coax him. "

Holding the child in her arms, Teresa said, "It's Okay. I'll also take the child to have a check-up. In fact, the child is very easy to coax. You can take his favorite toys and a few candies with you."

"Well, you..." Sophia pointed at the toys in Luis's hands, Teresa waved her hand and said indifferently, "I have a lot of toys here. It's okay."

"Thank you." Sophia smiled awkwardly and Victor put the baby in Sophia's arms. Then he said, "I'm going to fetch the car. Wait here."

"Okay." Holding the baby in her arms, Sophia smiled and replied. Victor rubbed her head with a smile before leaving. Seeing that there was no emotion in Teresa's heart, she smiled and said, "It's still the same as before."

Looking at the baby in Teresa's arms with a smile, she was also very pleased. She smiled generously at Sophia, which made Sophia very happy. "Your daughter is so cute. Alas, it's not easy to take care of a boy."

"Your son is so handsome. My daughter is still young and always cries, otherwise how do I know how to coax children?" Anyone who heard others praised their children would be happy, and Teresa was no exception. She smiled and touched her daughter's little face.

"Are you alone? Where is Zed? Don't you have a nanny with you? " Looking around Teresa, there was no other people. Sophia asked curiously.

At the same time, Zed, who just came back with the nipple which had been left on the car, smiled politely when he saw Sophia. "You also take your son to have a physical examination? I just saw Victor. "

"Yes, he went to get his car." Sophia replied with a smile. After chatting for a while, Teresa left. Coincidentally, Victor drove over and Sophia got on the car.

In the car, it occurred to Sophia that Teresa had helped her to coax her child. Sophia couldn't help saying, "I didn't expect that Teresa is really like a good wife and a good mother now. I'm not as good as her. She's much better at raising children than me."

"That's different." Victor said indifferently. He didn't think Sophia was not as good as other mothers. At least, Sophia loved and cared about their son.

"Nothing!" Sophia cheered herself up and rubbed against Luis in her arms. "Anyway, it's still a long time. I'll study hard and be a good mother."

"Okay, I believe you." Victor said with a smile. Suddenly, he thought of the family dinner in few days and said, "The family dinner will be held every year in two days. Don't forget it."

"Family dinner? Okay. " Sophia remembered that in her heart. Thinking that Victor had to go to the company today, Sophia said, "How about you go to the company first and ask Web to send me back later?"

"No need. I'll drive you home first. The company is not in a hurry." After saying that, Victor kept driving steadily and didn't speed up as before. After all, there were two people he loved most in his life in the car.

After sending Sophia and Luis home safely, he drove to the company. When she entered the house with the child in her arms, she saw Zelda making dumplings. "Wow, we have dumplings today," Sophia said.

"Of course. I'll cook it to you later." Zelda smiled and made the dumplings. She seemed to treat Sophia as her own daughter. Sophia liked this feeling very much.

Luis didn't drink milk in the hospital, so Sophia was going to prepare milk for the baby. Seeing this, Zelda immediately asked, "Are you feeding the baby? I have made Luis' supplementary food. Now the baby is grown up, so you can't breastfeed him every day. "

"Yes, why don't I think of that?" Sophia immediately regretted. There was no child grew up and drank milk every day, she went to the kitchen with Zelda.

Zelda scooped out a bowl of warm food. She put the child on the small table and taught Sophia how to feed him. "Mrs. Sophia, you brought this from France. I cooked it when I saw it. It's fruit flavored and nutritious. You see, the child also likes to eat it."

"I have forgotten everything. Fortunately, I have Zelda." Seeing that Luis was eating happily, Sophia was also very happy. At the same time, she regretted that she didn't know anything. Zelda smiled and gave the small bowl to Sophia. "Come on, Sophia. You can feed him. I'll make dumplings."

"Okay." Sophia took the bowl from Zelda and was about to do the same. Fortunately, Luis was obedient and ate quietly.


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