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Written In My Heart. novel Chapter 29

《 6 Months Later 》

Sofia was sleeping peacefully in her bed when she felt a pair of lips on her forehead.. Ignoring it to be a dream she slept again but in a few seconds she felt herself shake as she heard a familiar voice calling her Name.. she huffed turning aroung in bed as the shaking intensified and the voice became louder.. she gave up turning back slowly peeking through her eyes to see a brightly smiling face as a small smile appeared on her face.. Finally giving up on sleeping she sat up on the bed stretching her arms and neck while yawning as the person still sat in front looking at her with a warm smile..

Ay: You're late..

Ayaan said making her face jerk towards the table clock as she saw she really had overslept.. Making an irritated face she looked for her phone that was under her pillow as she saw that she had missed her alarm and looked back at him with large guilty eyes.. He chuckled looking at her..

Ay: It's ok.. Go freshen up.. I already made breakfast.

S: You did..?? Already.?

Ay: Yeah..

S: That was my part of the deal..

Ay: It doesn't matter a few days.. You must've been tired yesterday.. You had a good sleep.??

S: I... Did.!

She said after hesitating for a moment.. He gave a smile and then held her hand helping her out if bed..

S: I can do that myself..

She said as He grabbed her shoulder guiding her to her bathroom.. He gave a slight push to her inside the door..

Ay: Just hurry up.. I'm waiting on the table..

S: Did they leave already..??

Ay: Yeah.. they left early in the morning..

S: Alright.. I'll be there in a minute..

Ay: Be fast.. don't take too long..

He said in a whiny tone as she closed the door leaning back on it.. She walked ahead glancing at herself.. She held an adoring look in her eyes and a sweet smile on her face.. She shook her head at herself and then went to freshen up..

She walked down as her eyes fell on Ayaan who was still waiting on the table for her as smile apeared on her face.. He was glancing at his watch as she realised he was probably late making her feel guilty.. She hurried to the table siting in front of him a he smiled at her..

S: I'm so sorry.. You're late cause of me..

Ay: It's OK..

S: no it's not.. I'm supposed to be doing it till I'm here.. We had a deal remember..

Ay: There are always exceptions aren't there..

《 3 Month after the trip. 》

Ay: C'mon Sofia.. You're my friend.. Why would I be burdened..?

S: Even if you don't I would..

Ay: Can't we negotiate something..

S: negotiate..??

Ay: Yeah I mean.. Something like a.. A payment for staying here..

S: I don't earn..

Ay: No no.. Not money.. I meant a favor for a favor..

She gave a weird look as he thought deeply..

S: What could that be..

Ay: I have an idea.. You could cook for us..

S: Cook for you...??

Ay: Yeah I mean.. I love your dishes.. They're just so tasty.. And it's been a while since we had a lady at home.. So you can stay here and cook for us like breakfast.. Lunch or dinner anything you please...

S: Umm..

She though as he looked at her hopefully.. He really didn't want her to leave...

S: I don't know if-

Ay: C'mon it's a great idea..

S: OK I guess..

Ay:Yay.. But it's still alright if you don't sometimes..

He said in an instance as she gave a weird glance at her..

《 Back To Present 》

Ay: .. And You remember what I said right..??

S: Yeah..

Ay: It's OK if you don't sometimes..

Chapter 29: Back Home. 1

Chapter 29: Back Home. 2

Chapter 29: Back Home. 3


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