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Written In My Heart. novel Chapter 30

Ayaan was sitting in his office lost in thoughts about the day Sofia had left the house.. It was a week after the trip and Sofia had been bugging him for almost 3 days then about returning home as she was promised but he ignored her changing the topic every time.. It was same that morning too..

《 1 Week After The Trip 》

Ayaan was climbing down the stairs with Sofia in tow.. He was getting late so he was rushing while wearing a watch and then tying his tie.. Sofia followed with his coat in her hands..

S: Atleast listen to me Ayaan..

A: Don't you see how late I'm getting.. I'll listen later Sofi..

S: How long will you keep delaying it.??

She whines as he stops in his tracks turning to her as She holds the coat up and he puts his arms in it one by one giving her a thankful smile..

S: I just wanted to tell you that I'm going home..

Ay: look.. I know this is important.. But I really am getting late.. We'll talk about this when I get back home.. I promise.. Tonight.!!

He says cupping her face nodding at her for approval.. Without listening to another word he walked away towards the door..

S: I'm going no matter what...

She said softly thinking he didn't heard it.. But he did as he thought to go back again and talk.. But deciding to do it in the evening he left.

《 Back To Present 》

He regretted that action the most at this point in life.. His chain of thoughts were broken as he heard a knock on the door.. He asked them to come in as an employee came in..

Later, Ayaan entered Sofia's room to see her sitting on the bed with her head in her hands.. She seemed pretty lost as he enters and sits beside her. She was leaning down almost in her lap as he kept his hand on her shoulder calling her softly.. She jerked up surprised looking at her..

S: Ayaan.? When did you come..??

A: Is everything OK..? You seem worried..

S: N.. No no.. Everything's fine..

A: Are you sure.??

S: Y.. Yeah.. Absolutely sure..

A: OK... So how about we go out for lunch.. You'll feel refreshed.??

S: Sure...

A: OK.. What would you like to have.?? Ice cream.. Pizza.. Burger or something else..??

S: Anything is fine..

A: OK... How about pizza and then ice cream..? It's been long since we had any of those..

S: OK..

A: Then go freshen up..

He says dragging her up and giving her a gentle push.. She gave a smile and then went to freshen up changing.. They both soon leave and then went to the Pizza Hut and had pizza.. Then they went to get ice cream..

S: Where's Nick.. I haven't seen him around in a while..

A: Yeah he's busy nowadays with uncle.. Business trips and meeting..

S: Yeah.. Now I rarely see him on breakfast or dinner tables..

A: Ya.. He'll be free in a few days I think..

S: And you're uncle.. How's he.?

A: Fine as well.. He's quite busy with office these days..

S: didn't he just come back from a business trip.??

A: He did.

S: Shouldn't he rest for a while.. Working so much can make him sick..

A: Yeah I know..

S: it's your business.. Shouldn't you be handling it..??

She asks hitting his hand l lightly.. As he makes an offended face at her..

A: What can I do if he doesn't listen to me..?? And besides.. He's been handling it for years now.. I can't suddenly ask him to step down..

S: Yeah.. That's true..

They both continue conversing while having ice cream.. Later that day Sofia was in her room when she heard a knock on the door.. She asked them to come in as Nick walked in..

S: Nick.. How are you..?

N: Perfectly fine.. What about you.?

S: Yeah me too.. You've been quite busy nowadays..

N: Yeah.. Just helping dad with the office..

S: Hmm.. Ayaan told me..

N: And... How are things at home.??

S: Umm.. Fine..!! What brings you here.. I haven't seen you in days..

N: I was on a trip with dad.. And it's almost dinner time.. I'm here to call you..

S: Oh.. Alright let's go..

They went down to have dinner where Sofia saw Ayaan's uncle Mr. Edward As she greeted him while sitting on the chair opposite to Ayaan..

S: Good evening uncle Ed.

E: Good evening Sofia.. How are you.?

S: I'm fine.. What about you.. How was your day..??

E: Nice.. How is your health..? I've been hearing about it only from Ayaan..

S: Yeah I'm... Better now..

She says looking down at her plate playing with the fork.. Ayaan looks at her a little worried and then passes her the dish as she gives a smile almost forced while taking some for herself..

The next day Nick came down stairs and saw Ayaan standing by the dining table leaning back on it.. He seemed lost in his thoughts as Nick came and stood by him.. He kept a hand on his shoulder bringing Ayaan back from his thoughts..


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