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Wrong marriage and sweet love (Joyce and Luther) novel Chapter 2011

Chapter 2011 The Final Mistake

Next, while Joyce was busy with other matters, Iris stayed by her brothers' side, entertaining them from time to time. When Wilson woke up, she held his little hand, playing with him for a while. She then went to tease Cullen. Cullen was sleeping soundly and was woken up by Iris playing with him. He started crying discontentedly.

Mrs. Powell had to pick up Cullen and comfort him. When Joyce returned and saw Cullen crying, she immediately understood what had happened. She gently touched Iris's head, "Were you mischievous again, huh?"

Iris mischievously stuck out her tongue, "Cullen was sleeping all the time and not playing with me, so I called him to wake up."

Mrs. Powell chuckled, "Little babies need more sleep. Iris, don't worry, just wait a year. When your brothers can walk, they will be able to play with you."

Iris was not too satisfied, "It's too long, I can't wait. Can't I grow up immediately? Mom, why do I not have any memories of my childhood? Was I cute like this when I was little?"

"... " This question made Joyce pause for a moment. She didn't know how to answer. In fact, Iris had been in a coma, always staying in an incubator. When she finally woke up, she fell into Athena's hands, and Iris was unaware of this.

Joyce squatted down, embraced Iris, and whispered, "Of course. You're too young now to remember things from a few months ago. Understand? You need to grow up for your memory to be stronger."

"Oh, I understand." Iris nodded innocently.

Joyce hugged Iris tightly, filled with heartache. It was for the best; with the fading of past memories, Iris might soon forget completely the dark experience with Athena. Fear would be completely eradicated from Iris's heart.

Therefore, no matter what might happen in the future, Joyce would never let Iris be hurt again. Her young heart was too fragile to withstand a second blow.

"You're hugging me too tight, Mommy." Iris pushed Joyce away.

"Oh, sorry." Joyce quickly let Iris go and then picked her up again.

At that moment, Mrs. Brown came in and said, "Madam Du is here."

"Really?" Joyce's eyes lit up. Her mother's presence brought an inexplicable sense of security.

"Why didn't she come in?" Joyce asked.

"I saw Madam Du talking to Mr. Warner outside, maybe she'll come in a little later," Mrs. Brown replied.

"Okay, I'll go over there now." Joyce quickly put Iris down.

Iris grabbed Joyce's sleeve, "Mommy, I want to go find Grandma with you. I miss Grandma so much."

Joyce turned around, "Iris, wait for a little while. I have a few words to say to Grandma. I'll come find you soon, okay?"

Mrs. Brown then held Iris in her arms and said, "I'll play with you, okay?"

Iris pouted, "No, I don't want it. You don't know how to play the things I like."

Mrs. Brown was at a loss, indeed, chicken games, slingshots, darts, and so on; how could a woman like her play them. However, since the children here were all from a warlord background, she couldn't appease them.

Joyce laughed, "Iris, don't make it difficult for Mrs. Brown. Where is Instructor Qin? Didn't he come together?"

Joyce looked around.

Mrs. Brown said, "Oh, Instructor Qin said he's surveying the surroundings and will be back soon."

Chapter 2011 The Final Mistake 1

Chapter 2011 The Final Mistake 2


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