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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 20

"No, no. Don't listen to her nonsense." Isabella explained with tears in her eyes, but every word was useless at the moment.

Because the palm print on her face would not lie.

James was nearly deceived by Isabella just now. Fortunately, he was not completely stupid. He had seen the truth and made a judgment in his heart.

Without refuting, Nina pointed at the palm print on her face and reminded, "Evidence."

Then she left without looking back.

With a disdainful look on James's face, he looked at Isabella, who was still pretending to be innocent, and patted the hem of his clothes in disgust. He hated this kind of woman who pretended to be poor the most in his life.

He ran to chase after Nina. Just leave Isabella here roaring.

"Senior, wait for me!" Then James strode to catch up with Nina and walked side by side with her.

Nina stopped and looked at James who smiled brightly. She couldn't help but think of John and suddenly lost in thought.

"What did you just call me?" It was the first time that Nina had been called like this in school.

"Senior." Did he call her wrong? He was a freshman and Nina was a sophomore. That's right to call her senior.

Nina nodded and said, "it sounds good."

It was the first time that someone had such a reaction, so James was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say next.

At a loss, James touched the back of his head and smiled foolishly, like a shy boy.

Looking at this simple boy, Nina smiled softly. James was pleasing to the eye than John.

"Your uncle is John?"

"Yes." James thought she would scold him for being meddlesome, but he didn't expect that the topic would turn to his uncle.

Why did she suddenly ask this? Was it......

"Senior, are you going to hit my uncle again?" James was scared by his thought.

Nina looked a little embarrassed. The gentle breeze blew her hair, and the embarrassment gradually dissipated.

It was because that man spoke too harshly and did too bad things that she hit him.

"I won't attack unless I am attacked. This is my life principle." Raising her eyes to look at James, Nina became more patient.

James understood what she meant. He felt guilty for wronging her indiscriminately just now.

So he changed the topic deliberately, "Senior, are you looking for my uncle?"

"You can say so." Their agreement was not over yet, and only met John again could Nina delete the video in the hotel.

After deleting the video, she had nothing to worry about. Then she could urged her husband to divorce her quickly. Everything was fine.

"If I tell you the detailed whereabouts of my uncle, will you forgive me for what I did wrong just now?" James was a witty and sunny but also a little playful.

For those people who had a good quality, Nina would always be very kind.

"Ok." Nina agreed without hesitation. It was not a bad deal.

They chatted all the way. In fact, most of the time, it was James who was chattering endlessly, while Nina was listening silently.

She found that just like Michelle, James was too talkative! Fortunately, Nina had stayed with Michelle for a long time so she was able to listen to a lot of nonsense with patience.

Michelle had always been nice to her, so she asked James, "What happened between you and Michelle?"

In fact, Nina hadn't figured out the relationship between them James and Michelle now. She only vaguely remembered that they fell in love on the Internet. If Michelle really liked James, every time she heard about his affair, she didn't show any anger.

If she didn't like James, Michelle would always mention that they enjoyed flowers, moon, and the sunset together across the screen.

At the mention of the Michelle, James felt his scalp tingling. He had never met such a serious girl.


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