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You Are The Apple of My Eyes novel Chapter 21

Although John didn't know what Isabella looked like, he thought that she couldn't be beautiful since her parents just have ordinary appearance. As for her brain, he saw with his own eyes that day that she was fooled by Nina. He thought that Isabella couldn't be a clever person.

Was James blind or stupid? How could he say the word "unforgettable"?

It should be Nina who was unforgettable.

She was the most beautiful woman in the world.

The most important thing was that she was cruel enough to deal with people.

In this world, one had to be cruel to himself or to others. Otherwise, he really couldn't stand on his feet.

John wondered what Nina was busy with recently?

"Uncle John, there are misunderstandings!" James didn't want to be labeled blindness.

He had been looked down upon by Nina this noon, and then by his most respected uncle, which made he almost look down on himself.

James' voice brought John back to reality. John turned around and lit up the cigarette with his slender fingers.

"Oh? Tell me."

James sat down on the sofa in the leisure area, crossed his legs and began to tell the whole story. Of course, he concealed some details.

"Uncle John, don't get me wrong. I didn't have a crush on Isabella. She is so scheming that she used me! Uncle John, do you know that Isabella used me? How dare she take advantage of me!" The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He stood up and angrily gestured.

"Loser." How could he be used by a woman.

The cold voice of John made James speechless and uncomfortable. Although John often scolded him, he was often unwilling to submit. However, what John said was reasonable this time. James withdrew back to the sofa and sat down honestly.

Wasn't he a loser to be easily used by a woman? Besides, this woman was also stupid. Wasn't he even more stupid?

James didn't dare to lose his temper anymore. He told John in a low voice, "I saw Isabella and a schoolmate were in a stalemate today. Isabella slapped herself and said in a panic that she was hit by the schoolmate. As you know, I have a strong desire to protect the weak, so I stepped forward and scolded the schoolmate indiscriminately. In the end, the schoolmate gave Isabella a slap. The two slaps were obviously different. I then knew what had happened."

'Damn Isabella! How dare she take advantage of me.'

With a keen sense of familiarity, John asked, "Who is the girl in the confrontation?"

"It's Nina who dares to beat you." James was still immersed in his anger and blurted out without thinking.

As soon as he finished speaking, he realized that what he said was just adding salt to Uncle John's wound. Sure enough, John's sharp eyes were staring at James, who was stunned and obediently sat up straight, like a child who did something wrong and waited for punishment.

"Uncle John, I was wrong again." He really wanted to slap himself. Why couldn't he control his mouth!

Is he infected by Isabella so he became stupid, too?

Fortunately, this time, John didn't pay much attention to James. John questioned, "Did Isabella frame Nina?"

He frowned and pursed his thin lips, with a hint of cruelty in the corner of his mouth.

Then he called in Henry and ordered, "Investigate what happened between Nina and Isabella."

"Yes, sir."


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