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You Are The Trouble I'm In novel Chapter 15

"No, thanks." Armani wanted to take back her luggage.

"If you don't want me to drive you home, you are not allowed to go out," Ben said.

"Ben, can you stop being so childish?" What a joke! Armani rolled her eyes. This was her home. If Ben dared to restrict her personal freedom and forbid her to go out, she would dare to expose him in front of the media.

"Ben, the food is getting cold. Let's have dinner first." Edith was taken aback by what had happened. She walked up to Ben and asked him to go back with a smile. However, Ben refused her and said coldly, "I'll come back after I send her back."

Jessie said softly, "In fact, Armani also has a car. She can go anywhere she wants."

"As a distinguished guest of my family, you'd better have a rest." Armani didn't want to have anything to do with Ben. She didn't know what he was up to.

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ben came close to Armani and whispered in her ear. The breath he exhaled made her feel like ants crawling over her ears. "I've stripped you naked here. No one dares to interfere me in your family. Believe it or not?"

Armani froze and looked at him with resentment.

When she was angry, her eyes were as bright as grapes. Ben really wanted to press Armani against the wall and kiss her hard on the lips. When he saw her panicked eyes wide open like a deer, he could feel a tingle climbing up from the end of his spine.

"Keep your dirty thoughts away from me." Armani slapped Ben.

The crisp sound shocked everyone.

Jessie immediately ran over and pushed Armani away, shouting, "Why do you hit Ben?" Then she touched Ben's face in panic and asked, "Honey, does it hurt? Are you ok? "

Edith and Jessie only saw that Ben leaned close to Armani and whispered a word, and then Armani gave him a slap.

"Armani! You've gone too far. Ben just wants to help you carry your luggage. You didn't appreciate his kindness, but beat him! You're just angry that I'm the executive director of the group. If you're angry with me, just vent your anger on me. Why did you do that to Ben? " Jessie sobbed sadly.

Seeing her crying, Armani was annoyed for no reason. She raised her hand to take the luggage. Ben held the luggage in his hand and gave her a mean smile.

"Well, since you want to send me, just do it." Armani turned around and went out with an umbrella in her hand. Ben took the luggage in one hand and walked out of the room with the other hand holding the umbrella between the two.

"Ben." Shouted Jessie, leaning against the door.

Ben turned around and said, "I'll be back soon. Wait for me here."

Jessie nodded obediently, "You must come back."

Sitting in the front passenger seat, Armani saw Jessie standing by the door and staring at Ben. Edith standing inside, she didn't expect that her son-in-law would leave with Armani.

"Where are we going?" Ben asked.

"The airport." Said Armani flatly.

Ben didn't say anything more and drove away.

On the way, he raised his hand and turned on the music in the car. It was Armani's favorite piano music. It was raining outside the car, but it was warm and comfortable in the car.

Armani leaned against the seat and fell asleep like a kitten.


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