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You Are The Trouble I'm In novel Chapter 17

When Armani was about to fall asleep, she suddenly smelled a cold fragrance like a mountain spring. She looked sideways and saw a man sitting on her side seat. He was closing his eyes for rest with a black eye patch.

Although the man was wearing a blindfold, Armani still felt that the man was unusual. He had a strong aura, from clothes to shoes, and everything seemed casual but harmonious. The perfume he was wearing was the latest product launched by the perfume family of D country, which was limited to one hundred bottles in the world, named Icy Blue Breath.

The last time Armani saw the man wearing this perfume was the prince of E country. He stood beside Armani when they were in the school. He had such an aura.

It was just an ordinary flight, but she met someone who used this kind of perfume. It was in the economy class she booked casually. Armani was confused and didn't know what kind of person the next seat was.

Of course, even if the prince of E country sat next to her, it had nothing to do with her. Armani had a clear goal this time.

The man moved and took off his blindfold directly. He looked sideways at Armani.

Armani was taking a rest with her eyes closed. She wore a high necked white lace shirt and a creamy white knitted coat, looking very casual, but in her heart, she would never be as leisurely as she looked.

When Armani woke up, she turned on her computer and began to work. Suddenly, she heard a deep and magnetic male voice, "Are you a designer?"

Armani was a little surprised.

The man sitting next to her was so handsome, just like a male model in a fashion movie. His handsome and deep features were like the sun in the East, making people unable to take their eyes off him.

But Armani was not an anthomaniac. Hearing his question, she frowned and said unhappily, "Are you peeping at me?"

"I just saw a special page for design and felt a little curious. I don't like to pry into other people's privacy. It's boring to travel so I want to have a chat. Please forgive me." The man's natural attitude made Armani felt she was so sensitive.

Armani withdrew her gaze and said, "I'm sorry. I'm under a lot of pressure at work recently and I'm not in a good condition. I was too excited when I spoke just now."

She was really at a loss for what Ben had done to her.

But when she looked at the man sitting next to her, she couldn't help saying, "You should go to the first class according to your requirements. Why are you sitting here?"

"How do you know I can take the first class?" Jacob raised his eyebrows slightly. Before he set out, he could get rid of anything that might expose his identity. Now he was just dressed up as an ordinary person. Could others see at a glance that he was low-key?

"I think it's strange for a person who can use this perfume to appear here." Armani looked into Jacob's eyes and said.

It turned out that the perfume was exposed. Leaning against his seat, Jacob said indifferently, "I didn't expect that someone in the economy class would know about this perfume. If I were in the first class, I might have met many unnecessary people. I just want to hide myself."

It sounded strange, but it was acceptable.

He glanced at Armani and said, "It's strange that the person who can recognize this perfume is here, isn't it?"

Armani lowered her head and smiled, "I just smelled it by luck."


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