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You Are The Trouble I'm In novel Chapter 28

Armani didn't know what to say, so she had to eat ice cream to ease the embarrassment.

Just then, a group of white pigeons flew past. Looking up, about a hundred of them flew over the sky. Their snow-white wings were shining in the sun, and the whole sky became dazzling.

After looking them, Armani lowered her head and was about to continue eating, but a hand grabbed her ice cream and threw it away.

"What are you doing?" She was flabbergasted.

"Do you like ice cream with pigeon droppings?"

"Well." Armani was speechless. When she looked up just now, she didn't notice that pigeons had dropped the stool on her ice cream when passing by. She ate it directly without looking carefully. If Jacob hadn't stopped her, she might have eaten them all.

But in fact, there was no pigeon droppings in the ice cream

"Could you tell me what are you doing here? Did you come here for coffee just like I came here for dessert? " Armani asked.

Jacob rolled his eyes at her and said, "No, I am not greedy for food."

"Can you stop mocking me?" Said Armani with her eyes wide open.

"I'm an expert invited by Mo Family in J city. I'm responsible for evaluating the quality of their entertainment places. A few days ago, I went to FL Bathing Place to check the service quality. These days, I'll check the service quality in this amusement park." Jacob told her.

"Is this also Mo Family's territory?" Armani was a little surprised, but after hearing Jacob's answer, she breathed a sigh of relief. 'It turns out that the meeting with this man before is really a coincidence. FL Bathing Place and the amusement park are the places he needs to work, so the two people from Mo Family were respectful to him. All these can be explained.'

"I thought you are a distinguished guest of Mo Family. Thank you so much for what happened in FL Bathing Place last time." Said Armani.

Jacob rolled his eyes at her and said, "Of course I'm a distinguished guest. With my help, the revenue of these places can at least double."

"Really? I don't know much about it. " Armani's eyes widened. She knew that the entertainment industry had always been profitable, but she didn't expect that there was someone who could integrate these advantages and improve service programs to double the revenue.

"Ordinary people can understand this concept. There is no need to be surprised." Jacob, who had run a huge commercial empire and had been in charge of the entertainment industry for many years, was sitting in a small and shabby amusement park to fool an ignorant girl. He couldn't believe that he could say those words with ease. He felt that his shameless ability had increased again.

Armani frowned and complained, "I said not to mock me, but you did that again. Do you always have to speak in this way?"

"After you said it, I didn't mock you, but I don't promise not to play tricks on you next time." Said Jacob indifferently.

"Has anyone ever said that you are a rude person?" Said Armani helplessly, leaning against the seat.

After all, she is a rich and beautiful woman. There were many admirers around her from childhood to adulthood. In the past, Ben was always her considerate boyfriend. Other opposite sex friends would take good care of her. Beautiful women had a natural advantage.

When she went to talk to the boss of DS Nightclub, Kevin, he was always polite to her. Even Ben didn't say such rude words to her.

'This man is really unruly.'

But Armani was not a narrow-minded woman. She could accept others' differences.


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