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You Are The Trouble I'm In novel Chapter 36

"Who do you think you are? Why you bully K, whose status is inferior to yours? Why don't you go straight to deal with Kevin? You are just bullying the weak and fearing the strong. " Thinking of how badly K was beaten for her, Armani felt sorry and said angrily.

If Kevin knew that his beloved woman would speak like this, he would not know how to react.

"It is just a beginning. I just wanted to teach him a lesson, but now I see that you are so distressed. Honey, I really want you to know my feelings now. I won't let K get out of the prison." Ben hung up the phone.

Armani stared at her phone in a daze. 'What does he mean?'

Looking at the continuous calls from the phone screen, Ben's eyes were full of coldness. He had been so looking forward to Armani's call, but she seldom took the initiative to call him. Now she was willing to debase herself to come to him for another man. 'How ironic.'

Armani kept dialing the number of Ben's, but his phone was directly blocked. He only sent her a message, "If you want K to go out safe and sound, let me see you before eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

'How dare he force me to go back?'

"Bastard, bastard, bastard!" Now, Ben could easily irritate Armani.

They had known each other for more than ten years. She didn't know that he would be so cruel to her.

It was too late to inform Kevin. Armani knew that Ben would definitely do what he said, so she booked the ticket back immediately.

It was ten o'clock in the evening when she checked out. The sky was still dark and gray blue.

The moon hung in the sky and looked very cold, making the whole city more noisy.

Armani held the note tightly. She had planned to go to the appointment, but now she had to leave.

If she had Jacob's phone number now, she could send him a message to explain, but he didn't give her anything and she had no chance to reply.

Armani smiled with self-mockery. 'That's it. I have to go back for K. I have no choice.'

She thought she had met Jacob four times in J city for no reason, which was already a great fate. She couldn't expect more.

Armani let out a sigh of grievance and her eyes turned cold.

At about five o'clock in the morning, Jessie was still in her sleep and then she was woken up by Ben's push. "I suddenly remember that there is a confidential document in XU Group. You send it to me right now."

With sleepy eyes, Jessie said gloomily, "Do you have to find it now?" There were so many documents in the group, so she didn't know which one it was.

"I'm in urgent need now. Hurry up." Ben wrapped his arms around her neck and kissed her lips.

After being comforted, Jessie stood up and rushed to the company.

XU Group was far away from Ben's apartment. After packing up, Jessie planned to go to work directly after finding the documents for Ben. After all, she had just taken office, so she couldn't always be late.

After she left, Ben got up immediately. Looking at the sky outside, he smiled.

It was six o'clock in the morning when the plane landed.

After flying for a long time in the middle of the night, Armani was a little sleepy, but she still called Ben as soon as she got off the plane.

When Ben saw the intercepted phone call reminder, he sent two words.

"Go home." Armani was a little surprised to see these two words, but on second thought, she knew Ben wanted her to go his private house, not Xu Family or Ming family. Without hesitation, she took a taxi to Ben's private apartment.

Chapter 36 Sincerity 1

Chapter 36 Sincerity 2


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