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You Kissed My Soul novel Chapter 9

Aderyn Pov

It’s been three weeks since I’ve staying here and to say I’m liking it is really something new. Never had I grown attached to people so easily as I have been now.

Bell has managed to grow closer to me in this story period of time and the most funny part is that I’ve been taken care by the people who were living here. I liked that feeling though where you find yourself important. Apart from all this, only two people have managed to irritate me.

First is that Blonde Chic Lilly and second one is the bastard, Dylan.

I don’t know what problem he had from me but every time I met he would give me his cold shoulder treatment and he even scolds me taunting me I’m a kid and weak what not.

I’m tired of this two. The problem is Lily likes Dylan, at least that is what I heard till now. So, I don’t understand where the problem lies. Lily likes Dylan. Dylan likes his work and people. His people liked me.

What a strange triangle.

“Do you know why buildings can’t jump?” Blake asked me playing his video game.

I scratched my chin thinking and then grinned finding the answe “Because buildings aren’t Kangaroo” I screamed making him laugh and we both did the hi-fi. Then burst out laughing.

“What nonsense” I heard Dylan mutter as he went past the living room towards his room. I still don’t get it, How could he hear whatever we were talking from such a large distance.

“Don’t mind him. He is always like that. Grumpy” Blake whispered and I muttered “Like a grumpy old man”.

We burst out laughing. We were really Idiots. We both were habituated of Lame jokes and worst to worry jokes would made us cry from laughing hard. Everyone finds this weird but who cares to what they think.

“Where is Bell?” I asked him sitting next to him.

He shrugged his shoulder in response and continued playing. I haven’t seen her from last two days. I wonder what she was doing.

I got up from my place and went out of the room leaving Blake alone. I was walking towards the hallway when my phone rang. I took it out from my pant pockets and looked at the caller screen to find an unknown number flashing.

“What is it?” I asked to the person in the phone.

“Just called to remind you abou-” he began but I cut him off saying “I know. You don’t need to remind me and don’t call me ever. Didn’t I told you earlier not to call me?” I snapped and heard him sighing.

“Listen you don’t need to snap at me. I’m just doing my work” he finished and with that I hung up on him disconnecting the line.

“Moron” I whispered shoving the phone back into my pant pocket.

I began to walk but stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a voice speaking “Who shouldn’t call you?”

I turned around to find Dylan Standing near the door eyeing me suspiciously.

“You were listening to my conversation?” I asked my voice dead.

“Who was he?” He asked again as he began to walk towards me. I remained glued to the position my expression neutral.

“It’s none of your business” I spat and watched as his demeanor began to change as quickly I said that. He began to shake violently while his hands were balled into a fist. Anger began to radiate from his body as he watched me like I have done some crime.

“Don’t talk to me like that” I growled yes growled like a dog. I watched silently as he fought against himself trying to get into control.

“I will talk however I want and don’t you dare spy on me next time” I snapped and the next moment I found myself plastered against the wall his large hand gripping on my neck suffocating me.

“Don’t talk to me like that again and next time I will not spare you. As long as you are here it is my Damn business to know everything that is going on” he said through gritted teeth and I held on his hand trying to free myself.

He kept gripping my neck hard and suddenly I began to feel dizzy because of lack of oxygen and finally with utmost difficulties I stammered “Le-av-e M-Me”.

Hearing my voice he left me as immediately he could and I gasped for air bending down holding my neck. I coughed a little and finally when I was able to breathe I stood straight looking directly into to his eyes.

“First of all, I’m not staying here because of my wish. I was literally” I said air quoting the word “Kidnapped”.

“So your rules and regulations do not work upon me and I don’t give a shit what you want and don’t want” I said slowly and clearly for him to get it to his thick skull.

“And next time when you touch me, I can ensure you that it will really bad for you” I said glaring at him with dead voice.

I watched as his expression changed to neutral while I spoke to him. He was back to his real cold self. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when his eyes fell on my neck.

I was sure it would’ve been bruised by now. I trailed my finger against my neck and winced as immediate I touched the skin. I watched as he began to look worried and his expression changed to pain. He seemed like he would cry anytime soon.

This guy seriously needs a psychiatrist.

He lifted his hands up which I guessed was to touch me but before he could, I turned on my heels and began to walk out from there.

“How dare he behave like that with me” I muttered to myself touching my sore neck.

I walked back to my room and found myself directly standing in front of my window examining the skin on my neck.

It surely did bruised and might I say Very badly. Finger marks were formed on my neck and place where he gripped turned black. I sighed seeing my form. Bruises are not new to me and I’m not afraid of them.

But I don’t know why I feel like crying for him treating me this way. I have been treated worse than this then why am I feeling so lonely and sad?

I feel like a piece of mine has hurt me. Why the hell am I feeling this way?

I looked at myself in the mirror to find my eyes already watering thinking so much.

“Tears?” I whispered eyeing my eyes as they began to water and soon tears began to roll down my cheeks like a stream of river.

It was really surprising because it had been many days or years when I cried like this. I felt hurt and at the same time shocked. So many emotions at same time.

I stared at myself in the mirror as the tears silently felt into my shirt soaking on it.


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