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0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart novel Chapter 41

In his shadows

He was walking down the halls of the 80 floored office with a satisfied smile on his face.

People were congratulating him as he walked passed them with long confident steps.

Today was his day

His company was declared one of the top 10 conglomerates in the world and he was declared the entrepreneur of the year.

Today he could actually say that he was successful

Not from the lineage that got passed from his father but which was self made by him.

And he was very much proud of it.

As he made his way towards the stage to give the speech everyone was eagerly waiting for his eyes fell on the person who stood beside him all along.

His mother

Her head was held up in pride of him being her son and her eyes had shine of happiness.

He offered her his arm and she entangled her own arm with his.

He ascended the stage with his mother at his side.

He seated her on the reserved seats on the stage and started the press conference.

"Mr Romano how did you managed to take such a big leap in just a year...just one year back your company was on the brink of debt crisis!?"

"A company is like an engine...you fuel in hardworking you get success thriving you forward ,you fuel in ignorance and you see rust eroding all your hard work

I gave this company my everything and the company in return gave me much more than I expected."

Clapping could be heard around listening to such a wonderful reply.

Even the reporter had a smile on their face impressed by his words.

"Do you want to give someone the credit to your success?"

"Well success is not a thing to achieve...it is the one to earn and only those earn it who make themselves worth it and I tried making myself worthy of it...my mom here reminded me everyday how much worthy and deserving I was and I trusted her.

I trusted her faith in me..I trusted the one who brought me into this world and was the one who made me believe in love at first sight."

More claps could be heard as he finished

The reporter replied

"We love the way you love and respect your mother Mr Romano. Not much people today value others efforts"

"Sir can we ask you some personal questions I bet everyone is dying to know how Mr Romano is personally"

"Well you can depending on how personal they are"

"So Mr Romano is there a girl which we don't know of in your life..a secret lover maybe"

He laughed and replied with a smile

"I already knew you were going to ask me this question and let me clear it all for once ..no there is no girl in my life as of now ...I am completely single"

Girls screamed in happiness as he completed his sentence

"Thank you soon much for your support everyone"

He acknowledged them and got more shouting’s in return.

Little did anyone knew that in the shadows behind the pillar a girl was standing taking hidden glances at him.

As he spoke her heart erupted with happiness listening to his voice

As he laughed her lips automatically smiled seeing him.

Far yet it felt so close

His presence had made such a big hall small for her

It had made her long for him.

The girl unknown to the world and everything for him was in shadows trying to not block his light of success.

Tears were running down her cheeks and for once they were not of sadness but happiness.

Happiness for his success.

"Yes we have heard that you prefer being single but how is that possible I mean no girl ever intrigued you Mr Romano"

The question made the girl in shadows eager

Eager to know if he still wants her.

His reply will decide their fate.

He went silent for a while his mother looked worriedly at him

"Truly speaking intrigued is a small word ..I get addicted and we all know that all addictions are bad. So I just try not getting one"

Especially the one that can kill you...he wanted to continue but decided otherwise.

The girl in the shadows felt the blow of his words and she felt it hard.

With her head pressed on the pillar and body leaning on it for support she closed her eyes.

Chapter 41: 0 .5 degree Celsius 1

Chapter 41: 0 .5 degree Celsius 2

Chapter 41: 0 .5 degree Celsius 3


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