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0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart novel Chapter 42

Beginning of thaw


An emotion better described by feeling than words.

But what he felt was not pain.

It was numbness.

A numbness that froze whatever was left of him .

Froze his brain to even command his body a single action to move.

Froze his body to even move a muscle.

And when he had accepted his fate and predicted his end.

When his whole life had flashbacked in front of his eyes and come to a dead end.

An external force came

A force that was enough to throw his body away from the zooming car's path.

As soon as his body landed on the pavement and his hands broke the fall a sound was heard that silenced all the other voices around him.

The sound was enough to end the screeching voice of the car and the honking horns of the cars.

His eyes could only see the cemented grey colour of the pavement in front unaware of the seeping blood of someone else behind his back.

He looked up to see where he was and found worried looking face of his mother in front of him.

He wanted to assure her that he was completely fine.

That he couldn't feel any pain

But little did he knew that not all pains are felt by body.

Some can kill you even without a single scratch on your body.

She was standing at a distance from him .

He tried to give her a smile to show her that he was fine but she was not even looking at him.

Her eyes were fixed at something behind him.

Then he remembered.

The external force.

The force of a person.

The force of the one who pushed him to safety.

Gathering enough courage he managed to pull himself and turn around.

What he saw could not be told.

The scene was scarier than the scene of two headlights coming his way.

It was scarier than his own death.

The white dress he was looking for was no longer white.

It was covered with patches of red.

The eyes he searched for desperately just few seconds back were closed on him.

The face he searched for just to get a glimpse of was now turned towards him but it looked lifeless now.

He couldn't believe what he saw.

No it was a bad dream

This can't be

He needs to wake up from this nightmare.

His view was blocked with his mother's back who was running to where his eyes were focussed on.

His mother placed her head on her lap and broken-down in sobs.


Were the words that came out of his mother's broken sobs and her name was enough to bring him back to his senses.

All the numbness was gone and he found his legs moving towards her on his own.

As soon as his shaking hands touched her unknown tears transferred from his eyes to her face.

The blood on her forehead was flowing like a river which his mother was determined to stop.

Her handkerchief was soaked in blood now and the paleness on her face was getting worse.

Sirens of ambulance could be heard in background.

But now again everything in background was becoming hazy for him.

His hands had her blood

So much blood

The gravel was now dark in colour because of her blood.

His steps halted

He couldn't gather enough courage to see her like this.

He saw his mother sit in the ambulance but he couldn't join her.

The door closed and soon the voices of the siren faded away.

He maybe strong for this world but for her

He was weak

Weak to even help her when she needed him.

He was repeating history

History of leaving her whenever she needed him

But what could he do now

Was not everything already gone.

Was not her closed eyes and pale face enough.

Was it not enough that she had given away her life for a bas**** like him.

This though was enough to make him slam his fist on the railing.

People looked at him like he was crazy.

But little did they knew that actually he was going crazy.

Crazy dying with her

Crazy crying for her

Crazy missing her and for again loosing her.

He was crazy in love with her without a doubt and today he realised he can't live without her.

His eyes were fixed on the blood coming out of his wound.

How it mixed with her blood and flowed together with saltness of his tears getting mixed with them.

He remembered her telling him once that even though she was not as rare and special like a sapphire but her blood surely was.

When he asked her what she meant she simply smiled and said

"it is not compatible with many...it is very rare and special unlike me...I am AB-"

That day he couldn't just believe her...he couldn't believe that she was actually compatible with him.

He still remembers what he replied to her with a kiss on her lips

"Mix my blood with yours and then you will know how special we actually are...I am also AB- love...as special as my love"

It was the first time he felt that maybe nature had also blessed their bond.

Nature had given its approval by making their two bodies one with same blood and soul.

He made his way to the hospital with a new found determination.

I can't leave her now

She can't leave me

She has to come back now.

As soon as he reached the hospital he found his mother crying outside the operation theatre.

His mother was a very strong women.

He never saw her cry but today...she looked broken and afraid for the first time.

He was surprised to see this transformation.

He always thought she hated his Saph.

Then why was she behaving like this.

As soon as she saw him she engulfed him into a hug.

"She will be fine...she is a strong girl ...she will be fine don't worry..."

The doctor came out of the room and he looked extremely busy .

As soon as his eyes made contact with Alessandro's he came up to him

"Mr Romano we can't say much...she has no internal injury and we have treated all her wounds but she has lost large amount of blood.

We did found some compatible samples after searching all the hospitals in the city but we are still short of it....they are not enough as most of them even though of same blood group are not compatible with her.."

"We need it all costs otherwise it will be-"

"You can take mine...I am also AB-"

The doctor looked taken back and happy at the same time

"Oh really! Nurse please take Mr Romano to check his blood compatibility.."

As the nurse showed him the way the doctor again stopped him with a worried look on his face.

"But Mr Romano your blood may also not be enough-"

Alessandro stepped towards the doctor and with a new fire burning in his veins he ordered him.

"I don't care how much you take from me...but remember that if something happens to my Saph today you won't see tomorrow's daylight..."

"But Sir try to understand we can't go against the rules...if we exceed the limit your body may be-"

Next they know Romano was holding the doctor from his collar

"Fu** the rules Doctor...I bloody said to take as much blood as she needs.... I don't care what happens to me!! I want her alive ,do you get it!!!"

The doctor nodded afraid of even uttering a wrong word.

"Listen to my son doctor ..we want her alive at any cost...she is my daughter"

No mother can ever see her son harm himself but today Clarissa Romano was not just a mother of Alessandro Romano. She also considered herself to be the mother of the girl who was lying on the bed fighting death that was meant for her son.

Chapter 42: 0 degree Celsius 1


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