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0 Celsius: To thaw a frozen heart novel Chapter 37

Burning in fire of jealousy

Tears got dried after pleading for so long.

Wrists had red marks after struggling for so long.

Her chest was heavily moving up and down as she laid on the bed.




Her lips wanted to scream, to plead but all that come out of them were silent rough gasps.

Gasps for more air.

Gasps for calming her chaotic insides.

Beads of sweat lingered on her forehead

Dropping down on the pillow along with her salty tears.

He didn't help her

He stayed in the shadows seeing it all but not doing anything.

He wanted to but couldn't.

He was dying piece by piece by doing this to her.

By seeing her in such a state.

But he couldn't step in

15 minutes were still left for this madness to end.

His eyes kept shifting between the clock and her face.

The way the creases appeared on her forehead as her head moved right and left made him desperate.

Desperate to hold her and tell her she is safe.

But then something unexpected happened.

She smiled.

She smiled as if she saw the light at the end of the tunnel.

She stopped her struggles.

She let her creases erase away.

He didn't know what she saw but her calmness calmed him.

He sat back on his chair and dialled the kitchen counter and asked them to bring her food.

As the clock struck he moved towards her and unlocked her chains.


He whispered afraid to scare her with high tone.

As soon as he placed his hands on her cheeks and tried to wake her she again smiled with eyes still closed.

Now Alessandro really wanted to know what she was seeing.

What was so powerful that it destroyed her fear.

Next he knew she engulfed him in a hug and placed her head on his shoulder .

He was confused.

He expected her to kill him because of what he did but she was doing the opposite.

He guessed that maybe she is still in her sleep but he was wrong.

"Andro....I saw you ....you were there offering me your hand....while those dark voiced pulled .me down...you helped me......"

He pulled back from her to see her staring directly at him.

"You are not mad at me..?"

He asked

Instead she smiled and replied...


She coughed and he placed the glass of water on her lips.

"First drink this"

He ordered

She finished and he wiped the water and sweat with the hand towel in his hands.

"First I wanted to kill you...those voices they came ..but I couldn't move back because I was tied....they came very near...but they couldn't touch me.....they were an illusion...an illusion in the dark....I screamed at them

..I screamed at them that I was not weak and they were all lies...they laughed and I didn't run from them....then you came....you offered me your hand....I couldn't take your hand because I was tied but you didn't leave me...instead you said that nothing was real except you and that was it.....all the darkness disappeared...all the voices became silent and you held me in your arms ..you hugged me ....Andro...you hugged me and all my fears ....they just....they disappeared....."

He was speechless, delighted, euphoric.

He couldn't say

He just stared at her happy eyes and again engulfed her .

She felt so happy...

She started jumping on the bed like crazy

She started twirling around on the floor

Her happiness had no end

And seeing her like this a tear managed to escape his eyes.

It has been years since he saw her so happy.

But he knew this was just the beginning.

This was one fear and she had many.

And he was determined to root out each and every one out of her system.

Her excited self calmed down and her eyes fell on the silver chains.

She held the chains in her hands and a tear escaped her eyes

"I thought you tied me down but who knew you would break me to my freedom.."

She said staring at the chains and fell down on the ground clutching to them.

He moved towards her and picked her up taking away the chains from her hands.

"When you have no fear nothing can stop you...not even these chains...and you my dear were born to be fearless"

With this he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and they stayed in each others embrace.


He was so happy that she was improving

She was overcoming her fears and trying to live again with each passing day

But all these improvements were gone with a single happening

A single event that turned all his hopes to ashes.

A day which started as bright as every other day.

But ended burning all his hopes all along.

They were going to his associates party.

It demanded a partner and he was going to ask Andrea to be his partner.

But as soon as Sapphire's eyes fell on the invitation card.

She refused for me to take anyone along except for her.

She was adamant to go.

I didn't wanted to take away that smile from her face and I agreed.

Chapter 37: 3 degree Celsius 1


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