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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 112

When the realization that Catherine might not be faking settled in, Mr. Barlow rushed out of the room.

A looked of worry cloud Richard's eyes as he watched the door shut closed behind his grandfather. Then he swayed his attention to the coffee mug, sitting on the table.

A sense of relief coursed through Mr. Barlow when he caught up with Rome and Catherine at the elevator.

"We should take her home, and I will call doctor Len to attend to her." Mr. Barlow said as the door open.

Ignoring him, Rome walked into the elevator, and even though he was annoyed by Rome's attitude, Mr. Barlow followed him inside.

After the door closed, Rome looked at him and said, "I'm taking my wife to the hospital."

"What's wrong with doctor Len?" Mr. Barlow asked, striving not to lose his temper.

"Nothing. But I don't trust my wife in the care of anyone close to you people!"

"What! We are her family!"

"Sure! But even strangers treat her better than you all do. I have been in that household for two years, and you guys have not once treated her like she is one of your!"

Silence followed after his remark. Then Rome stared down at Catherine and said, "But that's a good thing because she's nothing like any of you,"

"What nonsense are you spitting out now!" Mr. Barlow lashed out.

"She's the only one with a warm heart."

"And we don't?"


A frown settled upon Mr. Barlow's face. But he kept silent, realizing that he couldn't come up with a reply to Rome's statement.

A few minutes later, they got outside of the building, and as Rome was about to carry Catherine to her vehicle, Mr. Barlow said, "Let's take my car. You are in no state to drive."

Just for a second, Rome hesitated. Then he walked over to the black limousine, and after the driver had opened the door, he rested Catherine on the car seat before entering the vehicle.

Finally, after Mr. Barlow had gotten into the front seat, the driver took his place behind the steering wheel and drove off.

It took a brief while for them to get to the nearest hospital, and fifteen minutes after they arrived, Catherine was rushed into a medical room while Mr. Barlow and Rome waited patiently in the waiting room.

Staring at the hands on the wall clock, Rome was slowly losing his grips on his emotions, and he was becoming desperate for answers about his wife.

Even though it had been only ten minutes since Catherine was taking into the medical room, he felt restless, and as that feeling grew, he stood from the bench and started pacing back and forth.

Seeing the stress in Rome's expression, Mr. Barlow hesitated for a moment and said, "You truly love her."

Out of anger, Rome frowned and harshly stated, "Of course. What do you think!"

"That you only wanted to be with my granddaughter because of our family money."

"Your wealth is nothing to me."

"What is that supposed to mean!"

At that moment, the doctor approached them, disrupting their conversation.

"How's my wife?" Rome hastily inquired with worry in his eyes.

"Can we talk in my office?" The doctor gently asked.


"Good, please come this way."

Without any hesitation, Mr. Barlow and Rome walked after the doctor, and a few minutes later, they arrived at his office.


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