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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 13

Two months went by naturally and during that time, Rome had watched Catherine's cousins avoid her, treating her like an outsider just as their parents did to her.

But she found a new friendship with him, and both of them became a bit closer than before.

Although they were far from acting like a married couple, she felt a bit at ease around him and that was more than he could ask for.

That morning when Rome rolled over in bed, his hand touched Catherine's arm, and he slowly raised his eyelids and stared at her.

‘I can't believe we've been sleeping in the same bed for a week now. All thanks to that cold I caught last week.’ Rome thought, staring at her long lashes.

Suddenly, Catherine's eyes opened, and they stared at each other for a while. Then she got out of bed without saying a word to him.

“Good morning, wife,” Rome shouted, staring at her back.

Without replying, Catherine rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

“She's cute when she blushes,” Rome mumbled, pushing the blanket off him.

Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and Chloe marched in, glaring at Rome.

“Where's Catherine?” She said, rolling her eyes at him.

“In the bathroom,” Rome said, gazing away from her.

Both of them waited awkwardly for a while, then Catherine came out of the bathroom, and a frown surface on her face when she saw her cousin.

“What do you want?” Catherine asked, letting out a harsh breath.

“Grandpa called for a meeting in his study,” Chloe said with a frown.

Then she walked out of the room and slammed the door shut.

“I wondered what it could be about?” Catherine mumbled, gazing at Rome with worry in her eyes.

However, those were his exact thoughts too.

The past months have been going so well, but Rome knew that that didn't mean the storm was over yet.

He had his best men watching Charles, Chloe, Jeff, and Richard's every move, and the fact that they had done nothing wrong had only made Rome more suspicious of them.

“I should go and see what the meeting is about,” Catherine said, staring at Rome.

He nodded his head, but she didn't move or take her sight of him.

“Do you want me to tag along?” Rome mumbled, noticing the stress in her expression.

For someone who had lived with the Barlow family for months and had seen their awful ways, he knew Catherine was afraid to walk into that room because she is constantly looked down upon more often than the other cousins.

“It's okay. They might just find a reason to humiliate you.” Catherine said with worry still beaming in her eyes.

“I'm going to support my wife, so I don't care what they say about me?” Rome said, smiling at Catherine.

But she rolled her eyes at him, yet she couldn't help but faintly smile back.

“Fine. But don't say or do anything. My cousins are like bloodthirsty sharks waiting for the right time to strike. Give them an upportunty and they will use it to their advantage.” Catherine mumbled.

“Okay, I won't,” Rome replied.

A few minutes later, both of them arrived in the study room and it seemed like the entire family was already there.

“You successfully managed a project, and now you think you are above others, making everyone wait on you,” Dana mumbled, glaring at Catherine and Rome.

“Why are you late? Didn't your cousin call for you a while ago?” Mr. Barlow said with a frown.

Staring at her grandfather, Catherine softly exhaled and said, “She did. I'm sorry, grandpa. It won't happen again.”

But Mr. Barlow ignored her apology and gazed away from her.

“Are you two not going to sit down, or you guys are waiting for some special treatment. Also, why did you bring your worthless man with you, he got nothing to offer to this meeting.” Elijah said, scowling at Rome.

“I beg her to tag along because I want to learn,” Rome mumbled without meeting Elijah’s eyes.


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