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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 151

With her back turned to Rome, Catherine clutched onto the sheets, unable to stop thinking about how Rome had broken yet another promise.

Then she felt him shift on the bed, but she remained stiff, holding in her breath because she didn't want to talk about last night with him again since she was still annoyed by it.

'Is she still mad?' Rome thought as he stared at Catherine's back, wondering when she would turn around and gaze at him.

After a couple of minutes passed and she didn't, he got off the bed and headed for the shower.

When Catherine heard the bathroom door shut, she closed her eyes, drew a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled.

'Why do I feel so mad? I should be over this by now.' Catherine thought, tightening her grip on the blanket.

A few minutes went by, then Rome returned to the bedroom, and finally, Catherine turned around and stared at him.

Her gaze lowered towards the bandage on his side, and she frowned with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Catherine asked when she saw Rome walking over to the closet door.

"Getting ready for work," Rome said, stopping in his tracks, and then he turned around to face her.

"No, you are not, especially in your current condition."

"Babe, come on. I'm not a kid. Also, these wounds are not that serious. I can go to work with them."

"I know, but,"

The sudden sound of her ringtone caused Catherine to pause and frown at Rome. Then she reached for her phone and answered the call.

"Morning, dad," Catherine said, staring intensely at Rome.

"You and your husband should come to the mansion now!" Edward harshly said from the other side of the line.

"Wait, what!?"

"Get Rome down here immediately!"

"What's going on, dad?"

"We can talk when you guys get here!"

As Catherine was about to speak again, Edward ended the call, and she scowled.

"What's going on?" Rome asked, noticing the look of worry on her face.

"My dad wants us to go to the mansion, and he won't say why. But he sounded upset." Catherine mumbled, unable to stop the sudden negative thoughts crowding her head.

Seeing how bothered and stressed she looked, Rome said without hesitating, "Okay. I can excuse myself from work today, and we can drive there."

"Thanks," Catherine mumbled beneath her breath.

At ten on the dot, a blue Lamborghini drove into the Barlows yard, and when it came to a stop in front of the mansion, Catherine stepped down from the front seat, and then the driver's door opened, and Rome got out.

Shutting the door, he looked at the building and frowned before walking over to Catherine.

Afterward, both of them headed into the house, and when they arrived in the living room, Catherine and Rome realized that the entire family was there.

Even though they were concerned and annoyed that everyone was present, Catherine and Rome calmly greeted. But the tension in the atmosphere didn't decrease.

"Well, it takes wealth and power to make a man's true colors show! I can see that now." Edward said as he scowled at Rome.

"What's the meaning of that?" Catherine asked, feeling annoyed because she didn't know what the meeting was about, and now her father was throwing ridiculous statements at her husband.

"You don't need to defend him or play strong, Catherine."

"Okay, can someone tell me what is going on, like now!"

Feeling extremely happy within himself, Charles frowned at Rome and said, "Uncle is talking about how your husband is cheating on you!"


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