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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 153

The moment Catherine and Rome got home and entered their bedroom, she looked back at him and softly asked, "You weren't serious about us cutting ties with my family, were you?"

Not answering, Rome walked past her, sat at the edge of the mattress, and then fixed his gaze on her as he said, "I was,"

A frown surfaced on Catherine's face, but that didn't stop him from saying, "Are you having second thoughts because of what your grandmother said? Both she and her husband are toxic and selfish. Also, they are trying to manipulate you."

"Please, don't say that. I know my grandparents are harsh, which causes a lot of division in our family, but they had to be for the survival of our family success." Catherine downheartedly mumbled.

Then she hesitated for a moment, trying to find a good reason to defend her family before finally saying, "My grandparent had made the sacrifices and done their job to keep the family together for all these years despite our differences."

As a sad smile crept on Catherine's lip, she swayed her gaze away from Rome and said, "It's now my turn to make the sacrifices and do the work."

"Okay, you think you owe them something and have to bear the heavy burden of your family. Alright." Rome said, feeling a bit annoyed.

Then he woke from the bed and calmly intoned, "But how about when we have a kid! Will our child owe your family too? Will they have to follow in your footsteps to make the sacrifices and do the work for them?"

"No! Of course not! They won't!" Catherine immediately said without a tiniest bit of doubt.

Then she slightly clenched her fist and firmly uttered, "My kids wouldn't get to live the life that I lived in that mansion. They will have their own lives and freedom!"

It got silent as Rome watched Catherine's bottom lips tremble, and her lashes fluttered as she blinked back tears.

"Then why do you think you deserve to accept such a life, but not our kid. If you can not protect yourself now, how do you plan to protect them in the future and stand up for them?" Rome said, watching her eyes dart left, then right.


"Your family is a bunch of people that can hurt each other for an inheritance, and your grandparents will literally decide to turn a blind eye to any dirty deed as long as it benefits your family."

Pausing for a second, Rome noticed that Catherine's eyes had grown wet, and he walked up to her, took her hands in his, and said, "Is such a family worth your care and for you to continue putting them before yourself?"

When Rome felt her gently squeeze his hand, he softly smiled and uttered, "I'm not telling you not to care for them. But I need you to stop letting them hurt you in the process because what affects you also impacts me too."

Finally allowing her tears to fall, Catherine met Rome's eyes and mumbled, "I have been begging for their approval for so long that now that I have it, I feel like I need it to continue feeling worthy."

Then she hung her head and said, "But you are right. It's hard to live for others' approval and not your own. Do you know how it feels whenever I have to decide on the company's affairs or go out to an influential event?"

Keeping silent, Rome listened to Catherine softly sniff and intoned, "It's so hard. I keep thinking every time that I am a Barlow, and one wrong move can ruin my family's entire reputation."

Then he placed his hand beneath her chin, raised her head, and said, "Nah, you are Mrs. Ford, and you are free to do whatever the hell you want to do as long as it makes you happy. I got your back like you had mine all along."

A mischievous look suddenly surfaced on Catherine's face as she sweetly smiled and asked, "Anything I want to do?"

Although Rome was suspicious about the crazy look in her eyes, he faintly chuckled and said, "Sure."

For a couple of seconds, Catherine hesitated. Then she studied Rome's eyes and said, "Let me help you take down Earl."

Immediately, Rome's face grew cold, and he slowly let go of her hands. But as he turned around and was about to walk away, Catherine grabbed his wrist and hastily said, "I was just kidding."

Then her eyes lowered to the floor, and she thought, 'I wish I was, then this sense of guilt wouldn't keep bugging me.'

When Rome turned around and faced her with a straight face, Catherine cutely pouted and said, "You don't have to look that serious. I was joking."

Unable to stay mad at such a face, Rome smirked and thought, 'Cute.'

Then at that moment, Catherine tiptoed towards his lips and lightly kissed him.

After hers and Rome's lips parted, he lifted Catherine off the floor, carried her to the bed, and dropped her on the mattress.

Then he pulled his shirt off him before pressing against her body and kissing her deeply.


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