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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 156

After staring at the wine for quite some time, Catherine looked at Earl, softly smiled, and said, "So, what about DreamTeam that makes you and your father want to work with me, except for the fact that you think I'm a sensual woman?"

Then she watched Earl's gaze lowered towards the glass before drifting back to her face, and feeling a bit pressured by his stare, Catherine picked up the glass and gave him a quick smile.

For a while, she slowly twirled the glass in her hand and then boldly asked, "Are you going to answer my question, Mr. Earl?"

"Yes! Right!" Earl said, pulling himself together.

At that moment, his phone rang, and even though he tried to ignore and focus his attention on Catherine, the calls kept coming. So he finally got frustrated and picked up the phone.

Then he glimpsed at Catherine and said, "Excuse me for a moment."

Afterward, he stood to his feet, walked a few distances away from Catherine, and turned his back to her before answering the call.

Without wasting a second, Catherine took a bunch of the napkins, stuffed them in her purse, and then spilled the wine on them.

When the glass was empty, she set it back on the table, closed her bag, and then turned her phone screen on to see if it was still recording.

"Mr. Earl, what do you mean by our date is canceled! We were supposed to meet up and talk about you helping me to get the lead role for 'Skylight production' new film!" A lady's voice echoed into James' ear, causing him to frown.

"We can do it some other time!" Mr. Earl impatiently said in a low tone.

"But you promise me that we will talk about it over dinner tonight. Also, how could you get your assistant to be the one to tell me that our plan for tonight got canceled."

"Let's just say I caught a bigger and better fish than you, and such a rare opportunity isn't something I plan to waste."

"What is that supposed to mean!"

"Goodbye, Celia, and don't you dare call me again, tonight. If you do, you can forget about your acting career as a whole!"

After ending his call with Celia, Mr. Earl took a deep breath, and then he turned around to face Catherine.

When their eyes locked, she kept a stiff smile on her lips as she watched him approach the table and then take his seat.

"Were you too shy to drink in front of me, Miss Catherine?" Mr. Earl said, smirking at the empty glass before her.

"Maybe, maybe not." Catherine softly intoned with a naive expression.

Without saying anything else, Mr. Earl studied her face, and then after a few minutes when by, Catherine caught him staring at his watch, and she instantly guessed what that meant.

Getting into character, Catherine drowsily gazed at him and then softly giggled. Then she fluttered her lashes and asked without losing her cute smile, "Did someone turn on the heater?"

"Why ask, Miss Catherine?" Earl coldly inquired as his eyes grew dark.

"I feel a bit hot and lightheaded."

"Do you want to step out for some cold air? I can drive you to the beach, and we can talk more after your head is clear."

Shutting her eyes for a second, Catherine softly moaned and then thought, 'If I leave here with Earl, I will get in more danger! I got to find a way to stall and get the information out of him right here and now.'

Then she slowly raised her lashes, sleepily looked at Mr. Earl, and said, "I lied!"

Immediately, a frown settled on Mr. Earl's face as he calmly replied, "Oh, what did you lie about, sweetheart?"

"I know who Natasha is and how you drugged her and abused her. The wine that I just drank, you spiked it, didn't you?"

When Mr. Earl didn't respond and kept staring intensely at her, Catherine didn't back down and asked, "Are you going to do to me what you did to her and the other women?!"

"It depends," Earl mumbled, keeping his gaze on her dizzy eyes.

"You know Rome isn't going to let you walk away free if you do this! Also, there's no way you can leave here with me. Not when Blaze is right out there. You should keep your tail between your legs and walk away before you bite more than you can chew."

Frowning, Mr. Earl stood from his seat, walked over to Catherine, and glared at her for a moment before raising his hand and viciously slapping her.

Tears settled in Catherine's eyes as she kept watching his expression hardened.

Then Mr. Earl leaned towards her and said, "A frustrated married woman who's angry about her husband cheating on her with a stripper decided to get revenge by sleeping with the guy he hates to see, look at or talk to her."


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