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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 160

The room was quiet for a while. Then Scar hung his head and mumbled, "Every second that goes by with me knowing that someone is out there who's after you, and there's nothing I can do right now makes me feel useless and like I'm failing you, boss."

Resting his gaze on Scar, Rome frowned and said, "It's not the time or the place to wallow in self-pity. You want to feel useful! Okay then, I need you to find out how these media platforms are getting hold of this news so quickly."

There was a brief pause as Rome intensely stared at K, Brook, and Blaze without speaking.

Then he raised his chin and said, "For now, the only advantage this person has over me is their identity. And that puts me at a disadvantage because they know who they are fighting, but I don't."

It fell silent for a moment as Rome held back his words and intensely gazed at his men, and then he firmly said, "We need to even the field by finding out who we are up against. That's the only way we are going to have a chance for a win."

"What if we can't find who is doing this?" Scar mumbled out loud instead of saying it in his head like he intended to do.

The room fell silent, and Scar slowly raised his head, feeling a bit nervous as his gaze met with Rome's icy stare.

"I should head out and start digging for information on how this news got out." Scar mumbled, looking away from Rome as he stood from the couch.

Frowning slightly, Rome glared at the others and firmly asked, "Does anyone have any negative opinions they would like to share?"

"Actually, I have to check out a few more CCTV cameras near the hospital to see if I can find out more about the person that put Earl in a coma. So I'd like to excuse myself." Brook calmly stated, standing from his seat.

"I will be taking my leave too. Because… because…" Blaze hastily muttered, pausing for a moment before saying, "I got it! I have to interview the hospital staff. Maybe one of them witnessed something that could be important."

Without wasting another minute or waiting for a response from Rome, Scar, Brook, and Blaze walked out of the room.

After the door shut behind them, K looked at Rome and said, "I think it will be helpful if I stop by at the store you got those items from and see if I can get any useful information."

"Okay, go ahead and do that." Rome absentmindedly mumbled.

Once K left, and it was just Mr. Ford and him in the room, Mr. Ford calmly gazed at Rome for a while and then uttered, "You are handling this well, son."

"Why doesn't it feel like it?" Rome mumbled, scratching the back of his head as he tried to get his emotion under control.

At that moment, his ringtone interrupted their conversation, and realizing that it was Braden calling, Rome took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Sir, I'm sure you have a good reason for not going to Archenland yesterday, but things have escalated, and angry clients are calling the office constantly. Also, you have a few partners waiting for you here." Braden hastily said from the other side of the call.

"Book me a new flight for today at a suitable time," Rome said, feeling a sense of frustration rising in him.

"Yes, sir."

"Also, tell the others that I will be at the company soon to hear their grievances."

"Okay, boss."

After ending the call, Rome tightened his grip around his phone while striving to control his anger. But then he lost it for a second and threw his phone against the wall, squeezing his fist tightly as he pressed his lips in a firm line.

"Rome," Mr. Ford calmly called out.

"Our business is going to bleed because of this!" Rome mumbled, pacing back and forth.

"Stop walking around. You are making me dizzy."

"Just a few weeks in charge, and I'm already messing up. I don't think I can do this! Keep my wife safe, run the businesses, make sure the Barlow doesn't have access to DreamTeam…"

Without saying a word, Mr. Ford watched him pacing back and forth as he mumbled out his complaints.

Then when Rome finally stopped and sluggishly sat down on the couch, Mr. Ford met his eyes and asked, "Feeling better?"

"I don't know. Maybe," Rome mumbled, covering his face with his palms.

It got quiet for a moment, and then Mr. Ford sighed and said, "twenty years ago, after losing both you and your mother, I felt lost and confused too. The more I focused on the issues, I hated myself each day and felt frustrated with life and everyone around me."


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