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A Billionaire In Disguise novel Chapter 168

The loud sound of the salad bowl crushing against the wall caused the servants to freeze for a moment as they tried not to look at their boss.

"That boy is too soft on those Barlows! That's why they are out here acting like a bunch of fools!" Mr. Ford shouted in a fit of rage.

Swaying his gaze away from the broken pieces of bowl, he gazed down at the paused video displayed on his screen and then picked his phone off the dining room table.

After scrolling through his contact for a while, he stopped at Brook's number before dialing it.

It took less than two seconds for Brook to answer the call.

Then looking at Blaze with a look of nervousness on his face, he humbly said, "Hello, big boss."

"Where are you!" Mr. Ford firmly asked.

"Blaze and I are still in Archenland per boss request. We just got done with accomplishing his order and are about to book our plane tickets for home."

"Before you get back here, I want you to get something for me from Archenland."

A couple of minutes later, Mr. Ford's call with Brook ended. Then he dialed another number, and when his call got answered, he said, " George, I need you and your team to plan a party for me."

"Of course, Mr. Ford. When is the party?" George cheerfully said from the other end of the call.

"Tonight at eight."

The line grew quiet for a couple of minutes. Then George finally replied, "Consider it done. I will send you a couple of pictures of venues for you to select, and also, what is the theme of the party?"

"I don't care what venue it happens in or what people wear! I need it done before eight!" Mr. Ford stated.

"Okay, then. When my team and I get done, we will send you the necessary information."


"Yes, Mr. Ford,"

"Make sure that you get the word out. I need everyone at that party."

"Your wish is my command."

After ending the call with George, he found another number in his contact and dialed it.

"Taylor, there will be a party tonight. Make sure Miss Chloe is present by any means necessary. I will send you the venue location later."

"Yes, boss."

Drawing a deep breath, Rome felt hesitant as he stood at the door of the guest room, gazing intensely at it.

Then he slowly exhaled, knocked, and said, "Catherine, are you in there? Can you open up?"

Silently, Catherine hugged onto the pillow as she drew her knees towards her chest and curled up into a ball.

"I know you are in there. Well, Nora said that you were here. So, can you please stop ignoring me and let's talk." Rome said, resting his forehead on the door.

At that moment, his phone rang, and he frowned as he took it out of his pocket. Then when he saw that it was Mr. Ford calling, he sighed heavily and answered the call.

"Dad now is not a good time," Rome uttered, withdrawing away from the door.

"My daughter-in-law's phone is off! That's why I'm calling you, brat." Mr. Ford said, staring at the glass of water on the table.

"I guess you are calling about the video."

"No. I'm calling to invite you and my daughter-in-law to my party."

Frowning, Rome scratched his brows and mumbled, "Why are you having a party at such a time?"

"To take the tension off you and Catherine's nerves." Mr. Ford said, clutching onto the glass.

"Why don't I believe that's the actual reason."

"Stop reading too much into things, and you guys should go to Jerry to get yourselves some nice outfits for tonight."

"Dad, I don't have the time to celebrate, and Catherine is kind of pissed with me, so…"

"That's more reason you guys need to get out of that house and have a little fun."

For a moment, Rome said nothing as he wondered in his head a moment. Then he grumbled and calmly uttered, "Okay. I will ask Catherine, and if she's willing to go, then we both will be there."

"Good. See you guys tonight at eight o'clock." Mr. Ford said before ending the call.

When she heard a knock on the door, Catherine slowly raised her lashes and listened.

Knocking gently for the second time, Rome said, "My dad said he's hosting a party tonight, and he just called to invite us. If you don't feel like attending…"

"I will go." Catherine loudly said.


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